By sending this letter it allows us the ability to be able to contact you when we need to get the word out about new issues, topics and rallies for Hershey's Bill (Bill 60). Your contact information is logged within the administration of this site, we may send out mailings to you on occasion. All information is recorded for internal use to allow us to contact you only. None of your information will be released to anyone outside of the administrators of this site.
The only way for the law makers to really understand how much objection there is to this law is to let them know! HELP END BSL AND GET BILL 60 (AKA Hershey's Bill) PASSED!
Below is a sample letter that you can send to your MPP to inform them that you DO NOT agree with this law and it should be removed.DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY OF THE PETITION HERE DOWNLOAD AND PRINT YOUR PETITION HERE Be sure to add your name and sign it before sending.
Dear MPP NAME HERE, The United Kingdom was the first country to ban breeds and the ban is also under repeal and currently undergoing 2nd reading in the House of Lords. Calgary's model is ideal. In a city of almost 1 million people, last year only 158 dog bites were reported, most of which were of the "no puncture" variety and with a dog licensing rate if 93%, their animal control is not funded by the taxpayers but by dog owners themselves. They did all of this, not with breed specific legislation, but with education and promotion of responsible dog ownership by implementing tougher laws against irresponsible owners and rewarding responsible ones. If everyone's concern is really about public safety, surely it makes sense to introduce legislation that actually does just that; ensures public safety. Please repeal the poor judgment in enacting Breed Specific Legislation as it was done despite testimony of virtually every professional expert, including the Canadian Medical Veterinary and Ontario Medical Veterinary Associations. In the five years, since the ban, there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE in dog bites or attacks yet thousands and thousands of innocent dogs have been unjustly KILLED. I implore YOU to do the RIGHT thing by revoking this unjust legislation. Public safety has NOT been enhanced. PLEASE I beg you, support MPP Cheri Di Novo’s private members Bill #60.
86896 Letters sent to date, WE MUST DO MORE!
21 letters pending in mail queue!
Or we will be more then happy to send one on your behalf. Simply fill out the form below with your information and we will be happy to send an email to all the MPP's, a copy to Cheri DiNovo, one for Dalton McGuinty, as well as a copy to you for your records. We will just fill in your information from the form below before we send it. |