Since we are here to give information based on truth we will be linking in news stories from both points of view, but beware, we will be debunking the falsely reported information.
Recent BSL Related News
- Ontario pit bull ban isn't working, Humane Society says
Posted 2010-11-11
The provincial government bit off more than it could chew by dooming pit bulls as Ontario's worst people-biters, the Toronto Humane Society says.
Results of a survey of municipalities, released Wednesday, show no significant drop in dog bite cases since the government passed Breed Specific Legislation in 2005 that resulted in "countless" pit bulls and related Staffordshire Terriers being destroyed.
In a statement, the THS called on the provincial government to amend its Breed Specific Legislation and " stop the punishment of innocent animals.
- Giving pit bulls a break
Posted 2010-10-26
Sometime in November, pit bulls will no longer be considered dangerous dogs in Delta without evidence of bad behaviour.
On Monday night, Delta council unanimously voted to give preliminary approval to an overhaul of a nine-year-old municipal animal control bylaw that will eliminate a section that automatically classifies all pit bulls and associated breeds as dangerous.
- 'Dog whisperer' says pit bull ban is bad news
Posted 2010-09-08
TORONTO - Ontario's pit bull ban is an unfair law based on ignorance - because getting rid of a breed of dog doesn't get rid of the problem, says celebrity dog trainer Cesar Millan.
Millan, known as the Dog Whisperer for his uncanny ability to solve canine behavioural problems, was in Toronto this week promoting his National Geographic Channel show and the recent DVD release of the first season's episodes.
"In the United States, in the '70s, they did the same thing to the Doberman. In the '80s they did it to the German shepherd, in the '90s they did it to the Rottweiler, and now they're doing it to the pit bull," he says.
- 'There are a lot of great pit bulls
'There are a lot of great pit bulls'
Posted 2010-09-02
News is spreading among veterinarians of the recent shooting of a pit bull in Hudson. The incident has reinforced their view that the breed has become a victim of unfair breed profiling, the canine equivalent of racial profiling with humans.
"The fact is, there are a lot of great pit bulls out there and a lot of great pit bull owners," said Enid Stiles, a Beaconsfield vet and animal behaviourist.
This has been a tough summer for pit bulls in the Montreal region, with new controversies renewing calls at the municipal level to ban the breed.
"I get very angry when I hear about breed bans," said Amanda Glew, the Hudson vet who treated Zeus.
- PP introduces bill to lift five-year-old ban on pit bulls - Veterinarians urge law change to target aggressive dogs
Posted 2010-05-11
Nearly five years after a controversial pit bull ban came into effect in Ontario, critics are still fighting to have the legislation overturned, arguing that it has led to the unwarranted deaths of hundreds of dogs yet has not decreased the number of dog attacks.
One of the people leading the fight is Ontario MPP Cheri DiNovo, who introduced a private member's bill Monday urging for the immediate removal of the amendment targeting pit bulls in the Dog Owner's Liability Act.
"This legislation is just so wrong-headed," said DiNovo, who represents a Toronto NDP riding. "This idea of mass euthanization of a particular breed due to silly legislation is simply cruel."
- Pit bull ban not reducing dog bites in Ont.: THS
Posted 2010-05-05
Ontario's controversial pit bull ban has not resulted in a significant decrease in the number of dog bites in the province, the Toronto Humane Society claims in a study.
The pit bull ban, passed as an amendment to the Ontario Dog Owners Liability Act in 2005, banned the breeding, sale and ownership of pit bulls.
The ban was introduced as a public safety tool after a series of pit bull attacks in the province.
In announcing the plan to ban the breed, then attorney general Michael Bryant said in 2004 that pit bulls were "inherently dangerous animals" and "ticking time bombs."
But a statistical survey completed by the THS, which opposes breed-specific legislation and euthanizing animals, suggests that the ban on the breed has not reduced the number of dog bites in the province. It said the number of dog bites in the province has not significantly decreased since the ban came into effect.
"Countless" pit bulls and Staffordshire terriers have been euthanized because of the ban, the humane society said.
New Bill 60 - Hersey's Law
- Group makes noise about pit bull ban
Posted 2010-08-10
Train, contain and socialize.
"If you're doing these three things, you're a responsible dog owner," said Lori Gray, chair of events with the Dog Legislation Council of Canada (DLCC).
The DLCC, which had a booth at ODAS Park during the Barrie Kennel and Obedience Club's annual dog show on the weekend, is making noise about the breed-specific portion of the Dog Owner's Liability Act, which targets the American Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier and the Staffordshire bull terrier -- the breeds commonly referred to as pit bulls, which have been banned in Ontario since 2005.
Combined, there are less than 1,000 of those dogs in the province, Gray explained.
"To ban a breed where there are only 30 in the province is just ridiculous," she said. "Why aren't we going after the owners?"
- Best Friends Animal Society Supports Hershey's Bill
Posted 2010-05-18
Member of Parliament Cheri DiNovo introduced a private members bill to repeal the breed discriminatory portions of the Dog Owner's Liability Act, Monday, May 10, 2010. Bill 60 aims to remove the portion of the Dog Owner's Liability Act that single out and prohibit ownership of "pit bull" type dogs in Ontario.
Best Friends encourages Ontario residents to contact your Member of Parliament to encourage support for Bill 60.
A recent study commissioned by the Toronto, ON Humane Society, shows the ineffectiveness of the breed discriminatory legislation in Ontario.
- Sun TV Online interview wth Cheri DiNovo
Posted 2010-05-11
NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo joins Canoe Live's Jacqui Delaney to discuss why she's presenting a private member's bill to banish the pitbull breed ban that was introduced in 2005.
- The Origin of the new bill name "Hersey's Law"
Posted 2010-05-11
Every day thousands of dogs assist people as therapy dogs. Many visit senior citizen homes and give residents something to look forward to each week. They literally wait for the moment a therapy dog walks through that door so they an lavish attention and praise on them.
Pit Bulls serve as outstanding therapy dogs. The following story is one example of their remarkable diversity.
Today I'd like to share the story of Hershey with you. Hershey is a therapy dog in Ontario, Canada. Since I don't know Hershey personally I'll let her owner, Jennifer Waite tell you her wonderful story.
- NDP barking at pit bull law - Party claims no fewer attacks, more dogs euthanized
Posted 2010-05-11
Ontario MPP Cheri DiNovo is offering a very faint hope clause for the province's banned pit bulls.
The NDP MPP introduced a bill Monday that would overturn the portion of the Ontario Liberal government's dog legislation that targets the breed.
While the bill won't come up for second reading until next year and private member's bills rarely get passed, DiNovo said the pressure is building in the province to follow the path of other jurisdictions that have eliminated breed specific bans.
"The Facebook site out there - the last time I checked there were 85,000 hits ... so there's huge support," DiNovo said. " Of all the issues that we've dealt with this term, I've had more e-mails and so has every other MPP on this issue than any other."
Cesar Millan comes to Ontario
- Dog Whisperer Snarled by Politics
Posted 2010-11-04
- Dog Whisperer's pit bull banned from Ontario
Posted 2010-11-04
There are some problems even the Dog Whisperer can't solve.
An Ontario politician is up in arms because Cesar Millan can't bring his trusted sidekick, Junior, with him to the province.
The Liberal government banned pit bulls five years ago, saying the breed was too dangerous.
New Democrat MPP Cheri DiNovo says Ontario discriminates against even the most responsible owner because of how a dog looks, not how it behaves.
She wrote an open letter condemning the government for denying the celebrated dog trainer his loyal companion as he travels Canada for a speaking tour.
There are some problems even the Dog Whisperer can't solve.
An Ontario politician is up in arms because Cesar Millan can't bring his trusted sidekick, Junior, with him to the province.
The Liberal government banned pit bulls five years ago, saying the breed was too dangerous.
New Democrat MPP Cheri DiNovo says Ontario discriminates against even the most responsible owner because of how a dog looks, not how it behaves.
She wrote an open letter condemning the government for denying the celebrated dog trainer his loyal companion as he travels Canada for a speaking tour.
- Howls of outrage as pit bull ban forces Dog Whisperer to leave Junior behind
Posted 2010-11-04
There are some canine conundrums even the Dog Whisperer can't solve.
Celebrated dog trainer Cesar Millan wasn't allowed to bring his beloved sidekick and constant companion, Junior, into Ontario because the province has banned pit bulls.
Millan's staff, dog lovers and even opposition politicians tried to convince the government to let the three-year-old mutt off his legislative leash.
But Attorney General Chris Bentley made it clear Wednesday: Junior is still in the doghouse.
- Et tu, Ontario? Cesar's pooch not welcome in province for Ottawa show
Posted 2010-11-04
When it comes to the Ontario portion of "Dog Whisperer" Cesar Millan's speaking tour, it is the province's attorney general - and not the famous canine trainer - who is top dog.
Chris Bentley, seemingly channelling Millan's philosophy, stayed calm and assertive Wednesday as he refused to issue Millan an exemption from the province's 2005 ban on pit bulls.
Millan's pet dog Junior, a pit bull, is his chief exemplar of good canine behaviour.
"We have a piece of legislation and it applies to all," Bentley said, just hours before Millan prepared to take the stage at Scotiabank Place. "We don't amend it on the fly. We respect the law and we expect the law applies equally to all."
Ginger Related Information
- Brindle Stick
Posted 2010-11-06
Brindle is a coat coloring pattern in dogs. It is sometimes described as "tiger striped", although the brindle pattern is more subtle than that of a tiger's coat. Stick, British English slang expression meaning 'to give denigration or criticism' for something to someone.
- Dear Canada - Open Letter
Posted 2010-11-06
My Name is Joanne Munding. I am writing this letter to you today, because i am very much ashamed to say that i am a Canadian. I am ashamed because our country has allowed Politicans, and our Judical process to make fools out of us and all we stand for. For as long as i can remember, i was of the belief that Canada s Human rights code, and the Canadian constitution actually stood for something. I was of the belief that we could live free and without fear, that our legal system would always protect us. I now find out that, Canada is anything but what i had believed in, and the legal system protects the politicans, the criminals and those who can manipulate at will.
- Ontario Court Decision Release on Ginger
Posted 2010-11-06
This is the actual findings from the SSC.
- Ginger Back on Death Row
Posted 2010-11-06
In a 3-0 decision Thursday, the Ontario Court of Appeal reinstated an order from a Toronto justice of the peace directing that the dog be destroyed, rejecting a legal challenge from her owner, Phillip Huggins.
"I recognize this decision will be difficult for Mr. Huggins, and the result perhaps incomprehensible to him," said Justice Robert Blair, writing on behalf of the appeal panel.
"Like pet owners generally, he is undoubtedly very fond of Ginger and sees her as the friendly dog and docile pet his mother portrayed at trial."
August 29th Rally - Coronation Park
- Hershey's Rally - Red Star Cafe
Posted 2010-09-01
Ontario's controversial ban on pit bulls - now five years old - is under fire once again as a coalition of dog-loving groups rallied Sunday to support MPP Cheri Di Novo's efforts to have the law changed. Hundreds of people and dozens of well-behaved muzzled dogs "substantially similar to the elusive pit bull" gathered at Coronation Park on the Toronto waterfront on Sunday afternoon to protest Ontario's ban on pit bulls and to demand the repeal of breed-specific legislation.
They're ripping family pets away from people based on very vague legislation," said Rui Branco, who successfully fought the City of Brampton earlier this year by proving his dog, Brittany, was not a pit bull. The American bulldog-boxer mix was seized and held by the city for three months before an independent veterinarian was able to determine it was not a pit bull.
"An animal control officer looked at her and said she was a pit bull. Then she was taken away from us."
- Owners barking at provincial law banning pit bulls - Metro News
Posted 2010-09-01
"An animal control officer looked at her and said she was a pit bull. Then she was taken away from us."
- Dog owners want same laws for all breeds - The Star
Posted 2010-08-30
Ontario's controversial ban on pit bulls - now five years old - is under fire once again as a coalition of dog-loving groups rallied Sunday to support a local MPP's efforts to have the law changed.
"They're ripping family pets away from people based on very vague legislation," said Rui Branco, who successfully fought the City of Brampton earlier this year by proving his dog, Brittany, was not a pit bull.
The American bulldog-boxer mix was seized and held by the city for three months before an independent veterinarian was able to determine it was not a pit bull.
"An animal control officer looked at her and said she was a pit bull. Then she was taken away from us."
BSL Information
- Breed Specific Legislation Also Doesn't Work in Canada
Posted 2010-05-05
If you're interested in breed specific legislation, there are a couple of things you probably know. First of all, it's usually a lot more about politics and PR than sound policy. Second, there's a mounting body of evidence that breed specific legislation doesn't solve a single problem.
Now, we've got more proof against breed specific legislation coming out of Canada. Back in 2005, Ontario passed a pit bull ban, which has resulted in the euthanasia of "countless" pit bulls and similar breeds, according to the Toronto Humane Society. And what good has it done? Apparently, none whatsoever.
- Breed-Specific Banning? Not A Chance
Posted 2010-03-23
"They are just dogs. I repeat: They are just dogs." This description of pit bulls was repeated by Donald Cleary of the National Canine Research Council during a panel discussion held March 8 at Drexel Law School titled, "The Importance of Creating Safe & Humane Communities for All People & Animals." But judging by PW 's March 9 editorial, "Banishing Acts: It's a Pitty; Maybe it's time for Philly to consider outlawing pit bulls," this message still needs repeating.
- Pit Bulls vs Non Pit Bulls
Posted 2010-03-23
The graph below demonstrates the percent of cases involving pit bulls versus non pit bull dogs. Considering the fact that pit bulls are only one breed out of all possible dog breeds, it is significant that their relative percentage is so high.
- It's the deed not the breed says MPP who tabled bill to repeal pit bull ban
Posted 2010-03-06
The Dog Owners Liability Act banned pit bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, American pit bull terriers and any dog "that has an appearance and physical characteristics that are substantially similar" to those listed. Existing dogs were grandfathered into the act, but there were stipulations - muzzled and leashed in all public places, and they must be spayed or neutered.
- Canadian city changes tack to cut dog deaths
Posted 2010-03-01
Two different approaches to dog wardening have reaped very different results for their respective communities.
The older method, exemplified by roving and aggressive dog catchers, breed-specific targeting, and frequent euthanasia, was perfected by former Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon. The outcome: 1,951 impounded dogs killed last year in a county of about 440,000 people and 357 "investigated" bites or attacks.
- Where it all began, Kitchener-Waterloo pit bull committee meeting minutes 1997
Posted 2010-01-19
I saw a discussion about pit bull myths on Facebook and it reminded me of some documents I have from government meetings regarding the city of Kitchener, Ontario.
In November 1996, Mr. Gary Leadston, an MPP and member of the ruling Progressive Conservative Party, introduced a bill PR71, the Cities of Kitchener and Waterloo Act.
The sole purpose of this Act, if passed, was to allow the cities of Kitchener and Waterloo to regulate and prohibit the keeping of certain breeds of dogs. Up to this point, no municipality in Ontario was allowed to regulate dogs by breed.
- Dog Bites Worldwide - National Canine Research Council
Posted 2010-01-17
Winnipeg passed a breed ban against "pit bulls" in June 1990. While the number of reported dog bites in a city can fluctuate from year to year - it is clear that Winnipeg's breed ban has had no appreciable effect in reducing the number of reported dog bites, especially when compared to other areas without breed bans.
- National Canine Research Council - Do Pit Bulls Inflict Injuries Unlike Other Breeds
Posted 2009-11-24
Graphic depiction of fatal injuries that dogs have inflicted on their few unfortunate victims is a topic that NCRC has been hesitant to address. Fatal dog attacks are vanishingly rare occurrences; a person is five times more likely to be struck and killed by lightning than to be killed by a dog.
- National Canine Research Council - Analysis of Fatal Attacks in the United States 2007, 2008
Posted 2009-11-24
Dog bite fatalities were lower in 2008 than in 2007. Over the decades, the annual number of dog bite fatalities remains within a stable numerical range. These incidents, which are extremely rare, are, to a significant statistical degree, a product of dog owner neglect and/or abuse
- The National Canine Research Council Report 2007
Posted 2009-11-24
FATAL DOG ATTACKS, THE TRUTH BEHIND THE TRAGEDY: IT'S THE OWNER, NOT THE DOG. Extensive research and investigation using 40 years of data has conclusively identified the ownership/management practices that can cause a dog to behave dangerousl
 | November 18, 2009 Rally - Press
- Pitbull owner says breed specific legislation needs to change
Posted 2009-11-26
Before Greg Bonito adopted his pitbull 'Spike' from the Niagara Falls SPCA, he believed all the hype.
He was very reluctant to welcome a breed of dog into his home that had a reputation for being aggressive and he had no intention of bringing a pitbull home to his family.
"I said 'no,' that's a pitbull. I don't want him."
But after taking him for a stroll around the block...his perceptions of the breed completely changed while sitting with him at a park bench and being overwhelmed with affection from the loving pooch.
- Dog issue raises ugly head - Fans of pit bulls protest to have ban put down
Posted 2009-11-24
The last legal pit bulls in Ontario sat patiently muzzled at their owners' feet yesterday at a rally demanding an end to the four-year-old ban on the dogs.
"It's the deed not the breed," New Democrat MPP Cheri Di Novo said.
- Bill tabled to repeal Ontario's pit bull ban
Posted 2009-11-24
A private member's bill calling on Ontario to reverse its pit-bull ban was introduced Wednesday in the Ontario legislature.
New Democrat Cheri DiNovo said the government's ban on the dogs has had "no real impact" on public safety and should be repealed.
"It's the deed not the breed," Ms. DiNovo said Wednesday at Queen's Park where several dozen pit bull owners gathered for a rally. "It's not the breed of the dog that causes a dangerous dog."
- Bully for Cheri DiNovo!
Posted 2009-11-24
I'll spare you the Michael Bryant jokes circulating in Ontario's pit bull-loving circles.
All I will say is, the former Liberal attorney-general who championed the misguided legislation that banned bully breeds from the province at least gets a court hearing to defend himself from charges of ''criminal negligence causing death'' and ''dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death'' in connection with his fatal run-in with cyclist Darcy Sheppard.
Any pit bull charged with killing a person just biting gets an immediate date with the needle.
- Global News
Posted 2009-11-24
An NDP MPP introduces a bill to have the province's law banning pit-bulls repealed.
- NDP MPP wants Ontario pit bull ban overturned
Posted 2009-11-24
An NDP MPP has introduced a private member's bill that seeks to repeal the provincial ban on pit bulls.
Cheri DiNovo had some pit bull owners show up at Queen's Park with their muzzled dogs on Wednesday to show support for her effort.
"It's the deed, not the breed," DiNovo told reporters.
- People, not dogs, the problem: DiNovo
Posted 2009-11-24
DiNovo tabled a bill Wednesday repealing the McGuinty government's breed specific aspect of the dangerous dog legislation.
Brampton Protest
- City hires pitbull lawyer
Posted 2010-02-25
The City of Brampton has hired a Toronto lawyer to help defend the seizure of two dogs last month.
Barnet Kussner of the firm Weirfoulds is on the case for the city, and that has one of the canines' owners feeling like the underdog.
"Personally, I feel like it's David versus Goliath," said Rui Branco, whose family owns Brittany, one of two dogs held by the city since Jan. 13. Weirfoulds specializes in advisory work for municipal and other governments in all areas including contracts, land use planning and development.
- National Canine Research Council - Ontario Dogs on Death Row
Posted 2010-02-08
Brittany and Rambo, two dogs that haven't bothered anyone, languish in the Brampton Animal Shelter, awaiting judicial proceedings for the capital crime of being labeled "pit bulls" in Ontario.
The two were born in separate litters of the same parents. The dam is a purebred boxer. The sire was classified at one time as a pit bull, though the only veterinarian who has seen him says that he is an American bulldog/Boxer cross. The city, whose animal control seized the dogs in separate actions January 13, contends the original classification of the sire is enough to mark his offspring for destruction.
- MPP: Pit bull legislation 'flawed'
Posted 2010-02-07
Toronoto Sun Online Video
- Protesters barking mad
Posted 2010-02-07
The bone-chilling cold on Saturday morning wasn't enough to keep about 100 animal lovers away from a closed-up Brampton Animal Services in protest of the seizures of the two dogs Brittany and Rambo.
The dogs were seized Jan. 13 by animal control officers who assumed - wrongly, the families say - that the pair of pooches are pit bulls. They say their dogs are 25% American bulldog and 75% boxer.
Ban Lifts
- Scotland Parliament passes bill to repeal breed ban
Posted 2010-05-05
The Scotish Parliament today approved their new dangerous dog law they've been calling "dog Asbos" in a unanimous decision. The new law gives councils greater power to impose penalties for owners of badly behaved dogs and will focus on "deed not breed". The law would replace several laws dealing with dogs in the country, including the Dangerous Dogs Act, which bans four breeds of dogs in Scotland.
Dog Asbos was proposed by MSP Alex Neil. In his proposal, he notes that the Dangerous Dogs Act was "difficult ot enforce and a huge drain on resources." "It is clear that a dog's breed is only one factor which may affect its behavior. Attempting to define the law purely in relation to breed has failed to protect the public."
- Dog Asbos to keep pets and their owners on tight leash
Posted 2010-02-11
A BILL which would introduce dog Asbos to Scotland was backed unanimously by MSPs yesterday as it passed its first hurdle in parliament. The new bill will replace the current Dangerous Dogs Act which MSPs agreed is flawed because it criminalises the breed and not the individual dog or owner. It was put forward by Nationalist MSP Christine Grahame who is hoping to change the law on the control of dogs to try to curb irresponsible owners.
- Breed specific legislation failing globally
Posted 2009-11-26
After almost six years of costly enforcement of breed specific legislation, (BSL) Italy has lifted its breed ban and is replacing it with a law that will hold owners accountable for their dogs. In September of 2003, Italy placed into effect laws that banned or restricted 92 breeds including not just controversial breeds such as the Rottweiler and Pit Bull, but breeds such as the Corgi and Border Collie. Italy later dropped the deemed dangerous list to 17 breeds, and just this past April, removed the restrictions all together.
- Dutch government to lift 25-year ban on pit bulls
Posted 2009-11-26
The Dutch government says it will lift a long-standing ban on pit bulls because it did not lead to any decrease in bite incidents.
The Dutch government says it will lift a long-standing ban on pit bulls because it did not lead to any decrease in bite incidents.
- Italy Revokes Breed Ban
Posted 2009-11-26
Italy will eliminate its list of dangerous dogs - replacing it with a law making owners more responsible for their pet's training and behavior.
The new law, effective in April, will eliminate the current list of 17 breeds which are considered potentially dangerous, including Rottweilers, pit bull terriers, bull mastiffs and American bulldogs