Antarctic Environments and Climate Change Research Group
Entre 20 e 24 de Outubro Alice Ferreira esteve na Universidade de Valladolid sob direcção científica de Enrique Serrano a elaborar um plano de trabalho investigação conjunto sobre os Picos da Europa. O trabalho de investigação visa aumentar o conhecimento sobre o regime térmico da superfície do solo e estabelecer relações com a morfodinâmica periglaciária no Maciço Central do Picos da Europa.

Alice Ferreira stayed at the University of Valladolid to develop collaborative research on the ground thermal regime and periglacial processes.
From 20 to 24 October Alice Ferreira has been at the University of Valladolid under scientific direction of Enrique Serrano to elaborate a work plan to jointly develop research at the Picos de Europa. The research aims to increase knowledge about the thermal regime of the ground surface and establish relations with the periglacial morphodynamics in the Central Massif of Picos de Europa.


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