PERMANTAR. Permafrost and Climate Change in the Maritime Antarctic
Funding organization:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 1 March 2008 - 30 June 2010
Host Institution
Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa
Participating Institutions
Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Centro de Geofísica da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Centro de Geofísica de Évora, Portugal
Bulgarian Antarctic Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Principal Investigator: Gonçalo Vieira
Team members: Alberto Caselli, Alexandre Trindade, Alice Ferreira, António Correia, António Pedro Viterbo, António Soares, Carla Mora, Christo Pimpirev, Emanuel Dutra, Fernando Santos, Isabel Trigo, Ivo Bernardo, José Luís Zêzere, Juan José Blanco, Luís Mendes-Victor, Marcelo Fragoso, Maria João Rocha, Mário Neves, Miguel Hidalgo, Miguel Ramos, Paulo Amaral, Pedro Miranda, Raquel Melo, Rositza Kenderova, Vanessa Batista.
Consultants: Christian Hauck, Enrique Serrano, Jerónimo Lopez Martinez, Stephan Gruber.
Permafrost (perennially frozen ground) is central to the carbon cycle and to the climate system and is recognized by the WCRP/WMO as a key element of the Earth System in which research efforts should focus. Compared with the Arctic, very little is known about the distribution, thickness, and properties of permafrost in the Antarctic. The main reason for this is the scarce network of permafrost temperature monitoring boreholes, as well as the short number of active layer monitoring sites. There is also a general lack of section exposures and a need for obervation by drilling. According to the IPCC in the last decades regions underlain by permafrost have been reduced in extent, and a warming of the ground has been observed in many areas.
The study area is the South Shetlands an archipelago located in the Antarctic Peninsula region, one of the Earth’s regions where warming has been more significant in the last 50 years. Field activities focus in two islands with similar climate, but contrasting geological and geomorphological settings. Livingston Island shows high mountain relief, is 90% covered by glaciers and the bedrock in the research area is a low-grade metasedimentary sequence. The geological setting provides an excellent site for studying and monitoring the relationships between permafrost, geomorphodynamics and climate. Deception Island is an active volcanic cone with a collapse caldera and several smaller cones. 60% of the island is occupied by glaciers. Thermal anomalies occur at several localities and the island is a very good site for studying the interactions between volcanic activity, geomorphodynamics and permafrost.
PERMANTAR – Permafrost and Climate Change in the Maritime Antarctic - contributes to the Global scientific effort to bridge the gap in the knowledge of Antarctic permafrost characteristics, sensitivity and implications for climate change. The project includes the installation and maintenance of two permafrost monitoring boreholes and of two sites for active layer monitoring (CALM-S), all to be included in the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) of the World Meteorological Organization and International Permafrost Association, and in the Global Geocryological Database (GGD/NSIDC). In the Antarctic only 4 boreholes with comparable characteristics exist today and therefore PERMANTAR will be a major project contributing to Antarctic permafrost research.
Objectives of the project focus also on the installation of geomorphodynamics monitoring sites, on studying the influence of climate change on permafrost temperatures, modelling the climate variability of the Antarctic Peninsula region using mesoscale climate models and on modelling of permafrost
distribution and characteristics. A significant contribution will be the evaluation of the possibilities for using the modelling approaches to other areas of the Antarctic Peninsula where permafrost hasn’t been studied in detail. Another important contribution is the implementation of an open-access database on physical properties of the bedrock and deposits of both study areas, a service that may be at a later stage extended to other regions of the Antarctic. This type of data archive provide unvaluable ground truth for the modelling community.
PERMANTAR involves 3 Portuguese research centers rated Excellent by the FCT, a Spanish research group working in the South Shetlands since 1989 and involved in 11 Antarctic campaigns and the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute, responsible for the coordination scientific activity of Bulgaria in the Antarctic. Four experts on permafrost and on the geomorphology of the Maritime Antarctic are consultants. The proposal includes 2 grants for young researchers that will result in two Ms theses. These grants are fundamental for the strengthening of the Portuguese critical mass on Antarctic permafrost and answer to one of the priorities of the Portuguese Science Strategy for the IPY, which is to contribute to the building up of the “new generation of polar scientists”.
PERMANTAR is the Portuguese contribution to the International Polar Year (IPY) core projects “TSP - Thermal State of Permafrost: an International Network of Permafrost Observatories” (IPA) and “ANTPAS - Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Permafrost, Soils and Periglacial Environments” and is a core
project that integrates the Portuguese Science Strategy for the IPY as proposed by the National Committee for the IPY (Xavier et al 2006). Antarctic logistics are provided by the Spanish Antarctic Programme (a research project for 2007-2009 has been recently approved and a letter of support is
included in the attachments) and by the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute (member of PERMANTAR).
These countries have three research stations in the study area. Such costs are not included in the project budget and constitute a very significant and fundamental support for the field activities.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Period: 1 March 2008 - 30 June 2010
Host Institution
Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa
Participating Institutions
Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Centro de Geofísica da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Centro de Geofísica de Évora, Portugal
Bulgarian Antarctic Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Principal Investigator: Gonçalo Vieira
Team members: Alberto Caselli, Alexandre Trindade, Alice Ferreira, António Correia, António Pedro Viterbo, António Soares, Carla Mora, Christo Pimpirev, Emanuel Dutra, Fernando Santos, Isabel Trigo, Ivo Bernardo, José Luís Zêzere, Juan José Blanco, Luís Mendes-Victor, Marcelo Fragoso, Maria João Rocha, Mário Neves, Miguel Hidalgo, Miguel Ramos, Paulo Amaral, Pedro Miranda, Raquel Melo, Rositza Kenderova, Vanessa Batista.
Consultants: Christian Hauck, Enrique Serrano, Jerónimo Lopez Martinez, Stephan Gruber.
Permafrost (perennially frozen ground) is central to the carbon cycle and to the climate system and is recognized by the WCRP/WMO as a key element of the Earth System in which research efforts should focus. Compared with the Arctic, very little is known about the distribution, thickness, and properties of permafrost in the Antarctic. The main reason for this is the scarce network of permafrost temperature monitoring boreholes, as well as the short number of active layer monitoring sites. There is also a general lack of section exposures and a need for obervation by drilling. According to the IPCC in the last decades regions underlain by permafrost have been reduced in extent, and a warming of the ground has been observed in many areas.
The study area is the South Shetlands an archipelago located in the Antarctic Peninsula region, one of the Earth’s regions where warming has been more significant in the last 50 years. Field activities focus in two islands with similar climate, but contrasting geological and geomorphological settings. Livingston Island shows high mountain relief, is 90% covered by glaciers and the bedrock in the research area is a low-grade metasedimentary sequence. The geological setting provides an excellent site for studying and monitoring the relationships between permafrost, geomorphodynamics and climate. Deception Island is an active volcanic cone with a collapse caldera and several smaller cones. 60% of the island is occupied by glaciers. Thermal anomalies occur at several localities and the island is a very good site for studying the interactions between volcanic activity, geomorphodynamics and permafrost.
PERMANTAR – Permafrost and Climate Change in the Maritime Antarctic - contributes to the Global scientific effort to bridge the gap in the knowledge of Antarctic permafrost characteristics, sensitivity and implications for climate change. The project includes the installation and maintenance of two permafrost monitoring boreholes and of two sites for active layer monitoring (CALM-S), all to be included in the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P) of the World Meteorological Organization and International Permafrost Association, and in the Global Geocryological Database (GGD/NSIDC). In the Antarctic only 4 boreholes with comparable characteristics exist today and therefore PERMANTAR will be a major project contributing to Antarctic permafrost research.
Objectives of the project focus also on the installation of geomorphodynamics monitoring sites, on studying the influence of climate change on permafrost temperatures, modelling the climate variability of the Antarctic Peninsula region using mesoscale climate models and on modelling of permafrost
distribution and characteristics. A significant contribution will be the evaluation of the possibilities for using the modelling approaches to other areas of the Antarctic Peninsula where permafrost hasn’t been studied in detail. Another important contribution is the implementation of an open-access database on physical properties of the bedrock and deposits of both study areas, a service that may be at a later stage extended to other regions of the Antarctic. This type of data archive provide unvaluable ground truth for the modelling community.
PERMANTAR involves 3 Portuguese research centers rated Excellent by the FCT, a Spanish research group working in the South Shetlands since 1989 and involved in 11 Antarctic campaigns and the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute, responsible for the coordination scientific activity of Bulgaria in the Antarctic. Four experts on permafrost and on the geomorphology of the Maritime Antarctic are consultants. The proposal includes 2 grants for young researchers that will result in two Ms theses. These grants are fundamental for the strengthening of the Portuguese critical mass on Antarctic permafrost and answer to one of the priorities of the Portuguese Science Strategy for the IPY, which is to contribute to the building up of the “new generation of polar scientists”.
PERMANTAR is the Portuguese contribution to the International Polar Year (IPY) core projects “TSP - Thermal State of Permafrost: an International Network of Permafrost Observatories” (IPA) and “ANTPAS - Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Permafrost, Soils and Periglacial Environments” and is a core
project that integrates the Portuguese Science Strategy for the IPY as proposed by the National Committee for the IPY (Xavier et al 2006). Antarctic logistics are provided by the Spanish Antarctic Programme (a research project for 2007-2009 has been recently approved and a letter of support is
included in the attachments) and by the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute (member of PERMANTAR).
These countries have three research stations in the study area. Such costs are not included in the project budget and constitute a very significant and fundamental support for the field activities.
Monitoring sites

Permafrost and active layer monitoring sites installed in the framework of the PERMANTAR-PERMAMODEL initiative in the South Shetlands archipelago - Antarctic Peninsula.
Papers in International Journals
Vieira, G., Bockheim, J., Guglielmin, M., Balks, M., Abramov, A.A., Boelhouwers, J., Cannone, N., Ganzert, L., Gilichinsky, D.A., Goryachkin, S., López-Martínez, J., Meiklejohn, I., Raffi, R., Ramos, M., Schaefer, C., Serrano, E., Simas, F., Sletten, R., Wagner, D. 2010 - Thermal State of permafrost and active-layer monitoring in the Antarctic: advances during the International Polar Year 2007-09. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 21(2): 182-197.
Ramos, M., Vieira, G. 2009. Evaluation of the ground surface Enthalpy balance from bedrock shallow borehole temperatures (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). The Cryosphere, 3: 133-145.
Papers in National Journals
Vieira, G. 2009. The International Polar Year 2007-08 and the development of Portuguese research on Antarctic permafrost. Finisterra, XLIV, 87, 83-94.
in Preparation: "Permafrost and active layer monitoring network of the South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula".
Papers in books
Amaral P, Correia A, Vieira G, Ramos M, Trindade A. 2010. Condutividade térmica de testemunhos obtidos em duas perfurações realizadas na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha de Livingston junto à Base Antárctica Búlgara. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
De Pablo MA, Ramos M, Vieira G. 2010. Un nuevo emplazamiento CALM-S en Península Byers, isla Livingston, Antártida. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos, M. 2010. Detecção da cobertura de neve na ilha Livingston (Antárctida marítima) com imagens de satélite ASAR. Resultados preliminares. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability, Blanco JJ, Ramos M, De Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Rocha MJ, Dutra E, Tomé R, Vieira G, Miranda P, Fragoso M, Ramos M. 2010.ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL scheme for modeling ground temperatures for Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula). In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. Monitorização da camada activa e do permafrost próximo da Base Antárctica Búlgara St. Kliment Ohridski, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Masters theses
Trindade, A. 2009. Aspectos do regime térmico do solo da Península Hurd (Ilha Livingston, Antárctida). Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Melo, R. 2009. Dinâmica geomorfológica actual na ilha Deception (Antárctida Marítima): análise espacial do sector Cerro Caliente - Crater Lake. Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Abstracts in National Conferences
Amaral, P. M., Correia, A. 2009. Condutividade térmica de testemunhos obtidos em duas perfurações realizadas na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. 4º Encontro de Pós-graduação em Ciências Físicas e da Terra da Universidade de Évora.
Amaral, A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Trindade. 2010. Propriedades físicas de testemunhos obtidos em sondagens mecânicas realizadas na Península de Hurd da ilha de Livingston (Antárctida Marítima). Início da criação de uma base de dados. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010. A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha Livingston (Antárctida Marítima). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
A. Ferreira, G. Vieira, C. Mora, M. Ramos. 2010. Análise de índices factor-n para avaliar a importância do efeito da neve como interface entre a atmosfera e o solo em Deception e Livingston (Shetland do Sul, Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
A. Ferreira, G. Vieira, C. Mora, M. Ramos. 2009. Avaliação do efeito da neve no regime térmico do solo a partir da análise de índices factor-N (Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida). VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia, Coimbra.
M. Jorge, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Análise geoespacial de processos solifluxivos na Península de Hurd (Ilha Livingston, Península Antárctica). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
R. Melo, G. Vieira, A. Caselli , M. Ramos. 2010. Dinâmica geomorfológica actual na Ilha Deception (Antárctida Marítima). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
C. Mora, M.J. Rocha, M. Fragoso, I. Trigo, E. Dutra, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Tipos de tempo nas ilhas Shetland do Sul (Península Antárctica). Classificação e frequência de ocorrência. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
C. Mora, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Detecção remota da neve nas ilhas Shetland do Sul (Antárctida Marítima). Metodologia e primeiros resultados. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
M.J. Rocha, E. Dutra, G. Vieira, P. Miranda, M. Ramos. 2010. Modelação de temperaturas do solo nas Shetland do Sul (Península Antárctica): Usando a reanálise ERA-Interim para forçar um modelo de superfície terrestre. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. A Influência da cobertura da neve nos regimes térmicos diários do solo na Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Trindade, A , Vieira, G , Ramos, M , Pimpirev, C , Kenderova, R. 2009. Regime Térmico do Solo na Área da Base Antárctica Búlgara (Ilha Livingston, Península Antárctica). Dados de 2006-08. VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia, Coimbra.
G. Vieira, P. Amaral, V. Batista, J.J. Blanco, A. Caselli, A. Correia, E. Dutra, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, D. Gilichinski, M.A. Hidalgo, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, R. Melo, L. Mendes-Victor, P. Miranda, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, A. Trindade, M. Ramos, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, I. Trigo, A.P. Viterbo. 2010. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Vieira, G. 2009 - Permafrost num planeta em mudança e a investigação portuguesa na Antárctida. Conselho de Laboratórios Associados - Encontro com a Ciência em Portugal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 29 e 30 de Julho de 2009.
Abstracts in International Conferences
Amaral, P., Correia, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. y Trindade, A. 2009. Condutividade térmica de testemunhos obtidos em duas perfurações realizadas na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Batista, V., Neves, M., Vieira, G., Caseli, A. y Horne, E. 2009. Evolução estival da espessura da camada activa no Cerro de la Cruz - Ilha Deception (Antarctida marítima) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
V. Batista, M. Neves, R. Melo, G. Vieira, A. Caselli, M. Ramos. 2010. Summer evolution of the active layer thickness in Cerro de la Cruz area (Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Batista, V., Vieira, G., Santos, V, Melo, R., Ramos, M. Hauck, C. 2009. Distribuição espacial do permafrost na Ilha Deception (Ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antárctida) através de Tomografias Geoeléctricas . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Correia, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. Preliminary Results of Geoelectrical and Geothermal Surveys to Study the Permafrost in Livingston Island: a Contribution to the Analysis of Climate Change in the Antarctic Peninsula. EcoHCC'09 - International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Change. Tomar-Portugal.
Correia, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. Results of an Electrical Resistivity Tomography Survey in Livingston Island, Antarctica Peninsula. Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society 2009. Singapore.
Correia, A., Vieira, G. and Ramos, M. 2009. Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
M. Jorge, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Spatial modelling of periglacial processes in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington 14-18 de Abril de 2010.
M Jorge, G Vieira, M Ramos. 2010. Spatial analysis and modelling of periglacial processes in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Melo, R., Vieira G., Rocha, J., Caselli, A., Batista, V., Ramos, M. 2009. Geomorphological dynamics of Deception Island (Maritime Antarctic): a GIS based analysis of the Cerro de la Cruz – Crater Lake area. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Batista, V. and Ramos, M. 2009. Periglacial processes in Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic: spatial analysis in the Irizar - Crater Lake area. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Ramos, M. 2010. Spatial modelling of periglacial phenomena in Deception island (Maritime Antarctic): logistic regression and informative value method. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Ramos, M. 2010. Periglacial phenomena in Deception island, Maritime Antarctic: spatial analysis of the Cerro Caliente - Crater Lake area. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Mora, C., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. ASAR analysis of the snow cover in Livingston and Deception Islands. First results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Mora, C., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. Analysis of ASAR imagery to study the snow cover in Livingston and Deception Islands (Maritime Antarctic) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Mora C, Rocha MJ, Dutra E, Trigo I, Vieira G, Fragoso M, Ramos M. 2010. Weather types in the South Shetlands (Antarctica) using a circulation type approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Neves, M., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Batista, V., Hidalgo, M.A. y Tomé, D. 2009. Shore platform evolution by intertidal ice erosion. First results from South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
de Pablo, MA, Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gilichinsky, D., Gómez, F., Molina, A., Segovia, R. 2009. Deception island, South Shetlands, Antarctica: a terrestrial analogue for the study and understanding of the martian permafrost and subsurface glaciers . Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
de Pablo M.A., Ramos, M. and Vieira, G. 2009. Un nuevo emplazamiento CALM-S en Península Byers, isla Livingston, Antártida. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Apresentado - M. A de Pablo, M. Ramos, G. Vieira, A. Quesada, M. Toro. 2010 New CALM-S site for measuring the active layer of permafrost in Byers peninsula (Antarctica). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Pena, A., Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Mora, C., Ramos, M. 2010. Determining microclimatic controls on the ground thermal regime through the evaluation of n-factors (Deception and Livingston islands, South Shetlands, Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Ramos, M., Vieira, V, Gruber, S., de Pablo, MA., Correia, A. 2009. Estado térmico del permafrost en el monte Reina Sofía, primer año de registro continuo. Isla Livingston (Antártida). II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Guilichinski, D. and de Pablo, M.A. 2009. Establecimiento de estaciones de medida del régimen térmico del permafrost en el área de “Crater Lake”. Isla Decepción (Antártida) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Gilichinski, D., Hasler, A., de Pablo, MA and PERMAMODEL-PERMANTAR TEAM 2009. Results of the thermal state of permafrost and active layer in Livingston and Deception islands (conclusions at the end of the PERMAMODEL-PERMANTAR IPY projects) , Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
M. Ramos, G. Vieira, S. Gruber, MA. de Pablo, A. Correia. 2010. Thermal state of permafrost at Mount Reina Sofía, Livingston Island (Antarctica). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
M. Ramos, G. Vieira, D. Gilichinski, M.A. de Pablo. 2010. Permafrost thermal regime monitoring in an active volcano, Deception Island (Antarctica). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
M. Ramos, G. Vieira, M.A de Pablo, A. Trindade, M. Neves, V. Batista. 2010. Permafrost and active layer thermal monitoring in the surroundings of the Spanish Antarctic Stations (Livingston and Deception Islands. Antarctica): update at the end of the IPY. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Rocha, M.J, Dutra, E., Vieira, G., Miranda, P., Fragoso, M., Ramos, M. 2009. ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL and WRF schemes for modeling ground temperatures for Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula). Preliminary results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Rocha, M.J., Dutra, E., Tomé, R., Vieira, G., Miranda, P., Fragoso and Ramos, M. 2009. ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL scheme for modeling ground temperatures for Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
M. J. Rocha, E. Dutra, G. Vieira, P. Miranda, M. Ramos. 2010. Modeling of ground temperatures in the South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula): Forcing a land surface model with reanalysis ERA-Interim and observational data. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Rocha, M. J., Dutra, E., Vieira, G. , Miranda, P., Ramos, M. 2010. Modeling of ground temperatures in the South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula): Forcing a land surface model with the reanalysis ERA-Interim and observational data. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
M.J. Rocha, G. Vieira, E. Dutra, P. Miranda, M. Ramos. 2010. Ground temperature modeling using ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL scheme. Results for Livingston Island (Antarctic Peninsula). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Rocha, M. J., Dutra, E., Vieira, G. , Miranda, P., Ramos, M. 2010. Modeling of ground temperatures in South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula): Forcing a land surface model with the reanalysis ERA-Interim. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. and Kenderova, R. 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. J. Rocha, P. Miranda, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. A new CALM-S site and shallow borehole network for ground temperature monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. Snow cover and shallow ground temperature regimes in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Active layer and permafrost thermal regime in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antactic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). First results for 2006-2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Apresentado - Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Snow cover and ground thermal regimes in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Trindade, A., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Mora, C., Batista, V., Neves, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, R., de Pablo, MA. 2009. Spatial distribution and characteristics of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Vieira, G. 2009. An integrated approach for monitoring the permafrost en vironment of the South Shetlands, Maritime Antarctic: Methodology and first results. Cryo-Ex/IPY Cryospheric Science Meeting, University of Ottawa, October 16-19.
Vieira, G. and the ANTPAS team. 2009. Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Permafrost, Periglacial and Soil Environments. Advances during the International Polar Year 2007-08. Cryo-Ex/IPY Cryospheric Science Meeting, University of Ottawa, October 16-19.
Vieira, G. 2009. Iberian research on the permafrost thermal state in the South Shetlands, Antarctic. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafro st Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
G. Vieira, J. Bockheim, M. Guglielmin, M. Balks, A.A. Abramov, J. Boelhouwers, N. Cannone, L. Ganzert, D. Gilichinsky, S. Goryachkin, J. López-Martínez, J. Meiklejohn, R. Raffi, M. Ramos, C. Schaefer, E. Serrano, F. Simas, R. Sletten, D. Wagner 2010. Antarctic Permafrost, Active-Layer Dynamics, Soils and Periglacial Processes. Advances during the International Polar Year 2007-08. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
G. Vieira, M. Neves, A. Caselli, M. Ramos, V. Batista, I. Bernardo. 2010. A new CALM-S site at Irizar, Deception Island (Antarctic Peninsula region). First results. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
G. Vieira, M. Ramos, P. Amaral, V. Batista, I. Bernardo, A. Caselli, A. Correia, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, J. López-Martínez, R. Melo, L.A. Mendes-Victor, E. Dutra, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, E. Serrano, A. Soares, I. Trigo, A. Trindade1 et al. 2010. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
G. Vieira. 2010 The IPY and the evolution of Portuguese research on Antarctic permafrost. A balance and forward look. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira G, Trindade A., Mora C., Ramos M. 2010. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime Antarctic. Preliminary data from Livingston Island.Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
G. Vieira, C. Mora, A. Ferreira, A. Correia, P. Amaral. 2010. Permafrost research in the New Generation of Polar Scientists Program Caixa Carbono Zero. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
G. Vieira, A. Trindade, C. Mora, M. Neves, A. Ferreira, V. Batista, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J.J. Blanco, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
J. C Xavier, G. Vieira. 2010. Assessment of using the media during IPY in a non polar country: headlines for the future! International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira, G., Bockheim, J., Guglielmin, M., Balks, M., Abramov, A.A., Boelhouwers, J., Cannone, N., Ganzert, L., Gilichinsky, D.A., Goryachkin, S., López-Martínez, J., Meiklejohn, I., Raffi, R., Ramos, M., Schaefer, C., Serrano, E., Simas, F., Sletten, R., Wagner, D. 2010 - Thermal State of permafrost and active-layer monitoring in the Antarctic: advances during the International Polar Year 2007-09. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 21(2): 182-197.
Ramos, M., Vieira, G. 2009. Evaluation of the ground surface Enthalpy balance from bedrock shallow borehole temperatures (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). The Cryosphere, 3: 133-145.
Papers in National Journals
Vieira, G. 2009. The International Polar Year 2007-08 and the development of Portuguese research on Antarctic permafrost. Finisterra, XLIV, 87, 83-94.
in Preparation: "Permafrost and active layer monitoring network of the South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula".
Papers in books
Amaral P, Correia A, Vieira G, Ramos M, Trindade A. 2010. Condutividade térmica de testemunhos obtidos em duas perfurações realizadas na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha de Livingston junto à Base Antárctica Búlgara. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
De Pablo MA, Ramos M, Vieira G. 2010. Un nuevo emplazamiento CALM-S en Península Byers, isla Livingston, Antártida. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Mora C, Vieira G, Ramos, M. 2010. Detecção da cobertura de neve na ilha Livingston (Antárctida marítima) com imagens de satélite ASAR. Resultados preliminares. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability, Blanco JJ, Ramos M, De Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Rocha MJ, Dutra E, Tomé R, Vieira G, Miranda P, Fragoso M, Ramos M. 2010.ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL scheme for modeling ground temperatures for Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula). In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. Monitorização da camada activa e do permafrost próximo da Base Antárctica Búlgara St. Kliment Ohridski, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. In Proceedings of II Iberian Conference of the International Permafrost Association: Periglacial, environments, permafrost and climate variability.Blanco JJ, Ramos M, de Pablo MA (eds.), Colección Obras colectivas, Universidad de Alcalá (in press).
Masters theses
Trindade, A. 2009. Aspectos do regime térmico do solo da Península Hurd (Ilha Livingston, Antárctida). Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Melo, R. 2009. Dinâmica geomorfológica actual na ilha Deception (Antárctida Marítima): análise espacial do sector Cerro Caliente - Crater Lake. Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Abstracts in National Conferences
Amaral, P. M., Correia, A. 2009. Condutividade térmica de testemunhos obtidos em duas perfurações realizadas na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. 4º Encontro de Pós-graduação em Ciências Físicas e da Terra da Universidade de Évora.
Amaral, A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, A. Trindade. 2010. Propriedades físicas de testemunhos obtidos em sondagens mecânicas realizadas na Península de Hurd da ilha de Livingston (Antárctida Marítima). Início da criação de uma base de dados. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010. A. Correia, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha Livingston (Antárctida Marítima). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
A. Ferreira, G. Vieira, C. Mora, M. Ramos. 2010. Análise de índices factor-n para avaliar a importância do efeito da neve como interface entre a atmosfera e o solo em Deception e Livingston (Shetland do Sul, Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
A. Ferreira, G. Vieira, C. Mora, M. Ramos. 2009. Avaliação do efeito da neve no regime térmico do solo a partir da análise de índices factor-N (Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida). VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia, Coimbra.
M. Jorge, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Análise geoespacial de processos solifluxivos na Península de Hurd (Ilha Livingston, Península Antárctica). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
R. Melo, G. Vieira, A. Caselli , M. Ramos. 2010. Dinâmica geomorfológica actual na Ilha Deception (Antárctida Marítima). 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
C. Mora, M.J. Rocha, M. Fragoso, I. Trigo, E. Dutra, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Tipos de tempo nas ilhas Shetland do Sul (Península Antárctica). Classificação e frequência de ocorrência. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
C. Mora, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Detecção remota da neve nas ilhas Shetland do Sul (Antárctida Marítima). Metodologia e primeiros resultados. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
M.J. Rocha, E. Dutra, G. Vieira, P. Miranda, M. Ramos. 2010. Modelação de temperaturas do solo nas Shetland do Sul (Península Antárctica): Usando a reanálise ERA-Interim para forçar um modelo de superfície terrestre. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. A Influência da cobertura da neve nos regimes térmicos diários do solo na Península Hurd, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Trindade, A , Vieira, G , Ramos, M , Pimpirev, C , Kenderova, R. 2009. Regime Térmico do Solo na Área da Base Antárctica Búlgara (Ilha Livingston, Península Antárctica). Dados de 2006-08. VII Congresso de Geografia Portuguesa, Trunfos de uma Geografia Activa: desenvolvimento local, ambiente, ordenamento e tecnologia, Coimbra.
G. Vieira, P. Amaral, V. Batista, J.J. Blanco, A. Caselli, A. Correia, E. Dutra, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, D. Gilichinski, M.A. Hidalgo, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, R. Melo, L. Mendes-Victor, P. Miranda, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, A. Trindade, M. Ramos, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, I. Trigo, A.P. Viterbo. 2010. Projecto PERMANTAR - Monitorização e modelação da distribuição espacial e do estado térmico do permafrost na região da Península Antárctica. 2ª Reunião Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 de Abril de 2010.
Vieira, G. 2009 - Permafrost num planeta em mudança e a investigação portuguesa na Antárctida. Conselho de Laboratórios Associados - Encontro com a Ciência em Portugal, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 29 e 30 de Julho de 2009.
Abstracts in International Conferences
Amaral, P., Correia, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. y Trindade, A. 2009. Condutividade térmica de testemunhos obtidos em duas perfurações realizadas na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida). Resultados preliminares. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Batista, V., Neves, M., Vieira, G., Caseli, A. y Horne, E. 2009. Evolução estival da espessura da camada activa no Cerro de la Cruz - Ilha Deception (Antarctida marítima) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
V. Batista, M. Neves, R. Melo, G. Vieira, A. Caselli, M. Ramos. 2010. Summer evolution of the active layer thickness in Cerro de la Cruz area (Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Batista, V., Vieira, G., Santos, V, Melo, R., Ramos, M. Hauck, C. 2009. Distribuição espacial do permafrost na Ilha Deception (Ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antárctida) através de Tomografias Geoeléctricas . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Correia, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. Preliminary Results of Geoelectrical and Geothermal Surveys to Study the Permafrost in Livingston Island: a Contribution to the Analysis of Climate Change in the Antarctic Peninsula. EcoHCC'09 - International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Change. Tomar-Portugal.
Correia, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. Results of an Electrical Resistivity Tomography Survey in Livingston Island, Antarctica Peninsula. Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society 2009. Singapore.
Correia, A., Vieira, G. and Ramos, M. 2009. Resultados preliminares de uma campanha de prospecção geoeléctrica realizada na Ilha de Livingston (Antárctida) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
M. Jorge, G. Vieira, M. Ramos. 2010. Spatial modelling of periglacial processes in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington 14-18 de Abril de 2010.
M Jorge, G Vieira, M Ramos. 2010. Spatial analysis and modelling of periglacial processes in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Melo, R., Vieira G., Rocha, J., Caselli, A., Batista, V., Ramos, M. 2009. Geomorphological dynamics of Deception Island (Maritime Antarctic): a GIS based analysis of the Cerro de la Cruz – Crater Lake area. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Batista, V. and Ramos, M. 2009. Periglacial processes in Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic: spatial analysis in the Irizar - Crater Lake area. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Ramos, M. 2010. Spatial modelling of periglacial phenomena in Deception island (Maritime Antarctic): logistic regression and informative value method. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Ramos, M. 2010. Periglacial phenomena in Deception island, Maritime Antarctic: spatial analysis of the Cerro Caliente - Crater Lake area. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Mora, C., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. ASAR analysis of the snow cover in Livingston and Deception Islands. First results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Mora, C., Vieira, G., Ramos, M. 2009. Analysis of ASAR imagery to study the snow cover in Livingston and Deception Islands (Maritime Antarctic) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Mora C, Rocha MJ, Dutra E, Trigo I, Vieira G, Fragoso M, Ramos M. 2010. Weather types in the South Shetlands (Antarctica) using a circulation type approach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Neves, M., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Batista, V., Hidalgo, M.A. y Tomé, D. 2009. Shore platform evolution by intertidal ice erosion. First results from South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
de Pablo, MA, Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gilichinsky, D., Gómez, F., Molina, A., Segovia, R. 2009. Deception island, South Shetlands, Antarctica: a terrestrial analogue for the study and understanding of the martian permafrost and subsurface glaciers . Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
de Pablo M.A., Ramos, M. and Vieira, G. 2009. Un nuevo emplazamiento CALM-S en Península Byers, isla Livingston, Antártida. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Apresentado - M. A de Pablo, M. Ramos, G. Vieira, A. Quesada, M. Toro. 2010 New CALM-S site for measuring the active layer of permafrost in Byers peninsula (Antarctica). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Pena, A., Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Mora, C., Ramos, M. 2010. Determining microclimatic controls on the ground thermal regime through the evaluation of n-factors (Deception and Livingston islands, South Shetlands, Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Ramos, M., Vieira, V, Gruber, S., de Pablo, MA., Correia, A. 2009. Estado térmico del permafrost en el monte Reina Sofía, primer año de registro continuo. Isla Livingston (Antártida). II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Guilichinski, D. and de Pablo, M.A. 2009. Establecimiento de estaciones de medida del régimen térmico del permafrost en el área de “Crater Lake”. Isla Decepción (Antártida) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Gilichinski, D., Hasler, A., de Pablo, MA and PERMAMODEL-PERMANTAR TEAM 2009. Results of the thermal state of permafrost and active layer in Livingston and Deception islands (conclusions at the end of the PERMAMODEL-PERMANTAR IPY projects) , Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
M. Ramos, G. Vieira, S. Gruber, MA. de Pablo, A. Correia. 2010. Thermal state of permafrost at Mount Reina Sofía, Livingston Island (Antarctica). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
M. Ramos, G. Vieira, D. Gilichinski, M.A. de Pablo. 2010. Permafrost thermal regime monitoring in an active volcano, Deception Island (Antarctica). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
M. Ramos, G. Vieira, M.A de Pablo, A. Trindade, M. Neves, V. Batista. 2010. Permafrost and active layer thermal monitoring in the surroundings of the Spanish Antarctic Stations (Livingston and Deception Islands. Antarctica): update at the end of the IPY. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Rocha, M.J, Dutra, E., Vieira, G., Miranda, P., Fragoso, M., Ramos, M. 2009. ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL and WRF schemes for modeling ground temperatures for Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula). Preliminary results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Rocha, M.J., Dutra, E., Tomé, R., Vieira, G., Miranda, P., Fragoso and Ramos, M. 2009. ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL scheme for modeling ground temperatures for Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic Peninsula) . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
M. J. Rocha, E. Dutra, G. Vieira, P. Miranda, M. Ramos. 2010. Modeling of ground temperatures in the South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula): Forcing a land surface model with reanalysis ERA-Interim and observational data. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Rocha, M. J., Dutra, E., Vieira, G. , Miranda, P., Ramos, M. 2010. Modeling of ground temperatures in the South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula): Forcing a land surface model with the reanalysis ERA-Interim and observational data. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
M.J. Rocha, G. Vieira, E. Dutra, P. Miranda, M. Ramos. 2010. Ground temperature modeling using ERA-Interim forced H-TESSEL scheme. Results for Livingston Island (Antarctic Peninsula). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Rocha, M. J., Dutra, E., Vieira, G. , Miranda, P., Ramos, M. 2010. Modeling of ground temperatures in South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula): Forcing a land surface model with the reanalysis ERA-Interim. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. and Kenderova, R. 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic . II Iberian Congress of the International Permafrost Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C. 2009. Active layer and permafrost monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station, Livingston Island, Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. J. Rocha, P. Miranda, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. A new CALM-S site and shallow borehole network for ground temperature monitoring in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev, Kenderova, R. 2010. Snow cover and shallow ground temperature regimes in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Active layer and permafrost thermal regime in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antactic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). First results for 2006-2008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Apresentado - Trindade, A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, C. 2010. Snow cover and ground thermal regimes in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Trindade, A., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Mora, C., Batista, V., Neves, M., Pimpirev, C., Kenderova, R., de Pablo, MA. 2009. Spatial distribution and characteristics of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
Vieira, G. 2009. An integrated approach for monitoring the permafrost en vironment of the South Shetlands, Maritime Antarctic: Methodology and first results. Cryo-Ex/IPY Cryospheric Science Meeting, University of Ottawa, October 16-19.
Vieira, G. and the ANTPAS team. 2009. Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Permafrost, Periglacial and Soil Environments. Advances during the International Polar Year 2007-08. Cryo-Ex/IPY Cryospheric Science Meeting, University of Ottawa, October 16-19.
Vieira, G. 2009. Iberian research on the permafrost thermal state in the South Shetlands, Antarctic. II Iberian Congress of the International Permafro st Association. Siguenza, Spain. 21-23 June 2009.
G. Vieira, J. Bockheim, M. Guglielmin, M. Balks, A.A. Abramov, J. Boelhouwers, N. Cannone, L. Ganzert, D. Gilichinsky, S. Goryachkin, J. López-Martínez, J. Meiklejohn, R. Raffi, M. Ramos, C. Schaefer, E. Serrano, F. Simas, R. Sletten, D. Wagner 2010. Antarctic Permafrost, Active-Layer Dynamics, Soils and Periglacial Processes. Advances during the International Polar Year 2007-08. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
G. Vieira, M. Neves, A. Caselli, M. Ramos, V. Batista, I. Bernardo. 2010. A new CALM-S site at Irizar, Deception Island (Antarctic Peninsula region). First results. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
G. Vieira, M. Ramos, P. Amaral, V. Batista, I. Bernardo, A. Caselli, A. Correia, A. Ferreira, M. Fragoso, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, M. Jorge, R. Kenderova, J. López-Martínez, R. Melo, L.A. Mendes-Victor, E. Dutra, C. Mora, M. Neves, C. Pimpirev, M.J. Rocha, F. Santos, E. Serrano, A. Soares, I. Trigo, A. Trindade1 et al. 2010. PERMANTAR: Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
G. Vieira. 2010 The IPY and the evolution of Portuguese research on Antarctic permafrost. A balance and forward look. International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.
Vieira G, Trindade A., Mora C., Ramos M. 2010. The geomorphic action of wind-blown snow in the Maritime Antarctic. Preliminary data from Livingston Island.Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
G. Vieira, C. Mora, A. Ferreira, A. Correia, P. Amaral. 2010. Permafrost research in the New Generation of Polar Scientists Program Caixa Carbono Zero. 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
G. Vieira, A. Trindade, C. Mora, M. Neves, A. Ferreira, V. Batista, M. Ramos, M.A. de Pablo, J.J. Blanco, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, C. Pimpirev, R. Kenderova. 2010. Spatial distribution of permafrost in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic). 3rd European Conference on Permafrost, Longyearbyen - Svalbard, 13-16 June 2010.
J. C Xavier, G. Vieira. 2010. Assessment of using the media during IPY in a non polar country: headlines for the future! International Polar Year Oslo Open Science Conference, 8-12 June 2010.