Articles in international peer-reviewed journals
- 2008. Vieira, G. Combined numerical and geomorphological reconstruction of the Serra da Estrela plateau icefield, Portugal. Geomorphology, 97: 190-207.
- 2007. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J.J.; Hauck, C.; Hidalgo, M.A.; Tomé, D.; Neves, M.; Trindade, A. 2007. Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the maritime Antarctic: Preliminary results from CALM sites on Livingston and Deception Islands. U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 070, doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp070
- 2007. Hauck, C.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J.J.; Ramos, M., 2007. Geophysical identification of permafrost in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 112, F02S19, doi:10.1029/2006JF000544.
- 2007. Hauck, C.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J.J.; Ramos, M. Geophysical identification of permafrost in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research.
- 2003. Vieira, G.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M. Ground temperature regimes and geomorphological implications in a Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Geomorphology, 52: 57-72.
Articles in other peer-reviewed journals
- 2006. Gomez Órtiz, A.; Vieira, G. The research in periglacial geomorphology in Spain and Portugal. Recent evolution and current studies. Finisterra, 80 (in press). (in Spanish)
- 2006. Vieira, G.; Xavier, J.; Neves, M. 1st I Workshop Portugal and the Antarctic and the preparation of the national activities for the International Polar Year 2007-08. Finisterra, 80 (in press). (in Port.)
- 2004. Mora, C.; Vieira, G., Radiation balance at the plateau of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) in a winter morning. Methodology and first results, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geologica, 99 (1-4): 37-45. (in Spanish)
- 2004. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G., Thermal variability of the active layer and evaluation of the ground energy transfer during freezing in Livingston Island (Antarctic). Winters of 2000, 2001 and 2002. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geologica, 99 (1-4): 83-92. (in Spanish).
- 2000. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Garate, J., Detailed geomorphological mapping with kynematic GPS. Examples from Livingston Island, Antarctic, Estudos do Quaternário, 4, APEQ, p. 35-42.
- 2000. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Low cost data loggers for the monitoring of air, rock and ground temperatures, Finisterra, 69, p. 139-148. (in Portuguese).
Peer-reviewed articles in books
- 2008. Vieira, G.; Lopez-Martinez, J.; Serrano, E.; Ramos, M.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Blanco, J.J. Geomorphological observations of permafrost and ground-ice degradation on Deception and Livingston Islands, Maritime Antarctica. D.L. Kane & K.M. Hinkel (Eds.). NICOP 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. University Alaska Fairbanks: 1839-1844.
- 2008. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Blanco, JJ; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Hidalgo, MA; Tomé, D. Active layer temperature monitoring in two boreholes in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic: first results for 2000-2006. D.L. Kane & K.M. Hinkel (Eds.). NICOP 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. University Alaska Fairbanks: 1463-1467.
- 2007. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Blanco, JJ, Hauck, C., Hidalgo, MA, Tomé, D., Neves, M., Trindade, A. Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the maritime Antarctic: Preliminary results from CALM sites on Livingston and Deception Islands. U.S. Geological Survey and the National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 070, doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp070
- 2005. Vieira, G.; Jansen, J. & Ferreira, N., Environmental setting of the Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, T. Pinto Correia, R.G.H. Bunce & D.C. Howard (eds.), Landscape ecology and management of Atlantic mountains, Landscape Ecology Series, IALE Publication series number 2: 53-64.
- 2003. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Geographic factors and geocryological activity in Livingston Island, Antarctic. Preliminary results. In: M. Phillips, S.M. Springman e L.U. Arenson (Eds.), Permafrost. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, Balkema – Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse: 1183-1188.
- 2003. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Active layer and permafrost monitoring in Livingston Island, Antarctic. First results from 2000 and 2001. In: M. Phillips, S.M. Springman e L.U. Arenson (Eds.), Permafrost. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, Balkema – Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse: 929-933.
- 2002. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Observations on air and ground temperatures at Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, E. Serrano e A. García (eds.), Dep. Geografia, Univ. Valladolid: 67-89. (in Portuguese)
- 2002. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Crespo, F. & Bretón, L., Active layer monitoring in the vicinity of the Spanish Antarctic Station Juan Carlos I Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, E. Serrano e A. García (eds.), Dep. Geografia, Univ. Valladolid. (in Spanish).
- 2001. Vieira, G.T. & Ramos, M., Monitoring of shallow soil temperatures in the Cântaro Raso (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). Data from the winter of 1997/98, Homenagem (in honorium) Professor Doutor Gaspar Soares de Carvalho, Braga: 129-136.
- 1998. Vieira, G.T.; Cordeiro, A.M.R., Periglacial geomorphology in Portugal: state-of-the-art. in Gómez Órtiz, A.; Salvador Franch, F.; Schulte, L. & García Navarro, A. (eds.), Procesos biofisicos actuales en medios frios. Estudios recientes, Publ. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona: 347-371. (in Portuguese).
Peer-reviewed articles in conference proceedings
- 2007. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Blanco, J. The permafrost environment of northwest Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, maritime Antarctic): Preliminary results. U.S. Geological Survey and the National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Extended Abstract 206.
- 2005. Afonso, M.J., Espinha Marques, J., Marques, J.M., Carreira, P., Carvalho, J.M., Marques da Silva, M., Samper, J., Veiga, J., Sodré Borges, F., Rocha, F.T., Fonseca, P.E., Gomes, A., Araújo, M.A., Vieira, G., Mora, C., Teixeira, J., Almeida, P.G., Gonçalves, J.A., Chaminé, H.I. Hydrogeology of hard-rocks in the Portuguese Iberian Massif: Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region. 4th Inter-Celtic Colloquium on Hydrology and Management of Water Resources. Guimarães, Portugal, 11-14 July 2005: 1-12.
- 2001. Vieira, G.; Ferreira, A. B.; Mycielska-dowgiałło, E.; Woronko, B. & Olszak, I., Thermoluminescence Dating of Fluvioglacial Sediments (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Actas VREQUI / I REQUI, Lisboa: 85-88.
- 2007.Vieira, G. 2007. Agenda CTT 2008 – Ano Polar Internacional. Lisboa.
- 2006. Xavier, J.; Vieira, G.; Canário, A. 2006. Portuguese Science Strategy for the International Polar Year. CCMAR and CEG.
- 2006. Xavier, J.; Vieira, G.; Canário, A. 2006. Estratégia Científica Portuguesa para o Ano Polar Internacional. CCMAR e CEG.
- 1999. Ferreira, N. & Vieira, G., Guide of the Geology and Geomorphology of the Natural Park of the Serra da Estrela, ICN and IGM, Lisboa, 112p. + 2 maps. (in Portuguese, with English version in press).
- 1998. Vieira, G.T. (ed), Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology of the Serra da Estrela. Guidebook for the field-trip, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, 26-28 August 1998, CEG and Department of Geography, University of Lisbon, 65 p.
Peer-reviewed abstracts in conference proceedings
- 2008. Mendes-Victor L.A., Vieira G., Xavier J., Canário, A. The International Polar Year in Portugal: a new National Polar Programme and a Major Education and Outreach project. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
- 2008. Vieira G., Ramos M., Batista V., Caselli A., Correia A., Fragoso M., Gruber S., Hauck C., Kenderova R., López-Martinez J., Melo R., Mendes-Victor LA., Miranda P., Mora C., Neves M., Pimpirev C., Rocha, MJ., Santos F., Serrano E., Trigo I., Trindade A. Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic: A contribution to TSP and ANTPAS projects. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Gruber, S., Pimpirev, C. Long-term network for permafrost monitoring in the South Shetlands, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2008. Ramos, M., Blanco, D. Tomé; Hidalgo, M.A.; de Pablo. M.A; Vieira, G.; Trindade, A.; Batista, V.; Neves, M.; Melo, R., Gruber, S. Hasler, A.; Hauck, C. Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. Objectives and Preliminary results of the PERMAMODEL-PERMADRILL PROJECT during 2007-08 Antarctic Campaign. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2008. Blanco, JJ, Ramos, M, Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Tomé, D., de Pablo, MA. Soil thermal behaviour from the temperature soil regime in Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Maritime Antarctic). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2008.Vieira, G., Neves, M., Mora, C., Fragoso, M., Zêzere, JL, Trindade, A., Batista, V., Melo, R. Permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic. 1st Workshop on Portuguese Polar Science, CEG, Lisbon.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Xavier, G. The IPY and the birth of a Portuguese Polar Programme. 1st Workshop on Portuguese Polar Science, CEG, Lisbon.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Hauck, C., Gruber, S., Blanco, J.J., Ramos, M.. Massive Ice Detection using Electrical Tomography Resistivity. Examples from Livingston and Deception Islands, Maritime Antarctic. VI Assembleia Ibérica de Geofísica, Tomar.
- 2008. Trindade, A.,Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C.. Monitorização da camada activa e do permafrost na proximidade da Base Antárctica Búlgara St. Kliment Ohridski, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Moreira, A., Vieira, G., Brilha, J. Avaliação e valorização do património geomorfológico do Vale da Ribeira Principal (Parque Natural da Serra da Malagueta, ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde). 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Neves, M., Mora, C., Batista, V., Melo, R., Trindade, A., Santos, F., Ramos, M., Xavier, J., Salomé, A. O Ano Polar Internacional e o desenvolvimento da geomorfologia polar portuguesa. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Blanco, JJ, Caselli, A., Correia, A., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Hidalgo, MA, Kenderova, R., Miranda, P., Mora, C., Neves, M., Pimpirev, C., Santos, F., Trigo, I., Viterbo, P., Batista, V., Dutra, E., Melo, R., Tomé, D., Trindade, A. PERMANTAR/PERMAMODEL: um consórcio internacional para monitorização do permafrost e da dinâmica geomorfológica actual na Antárctida Marítima. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Forte, J.P., Vieira, G., Cunha, L. Inventariação, avaliação e divulgação do património geomorfológico da Unidade Territorial de Alvaiázere. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Neves M., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Batista, V., Hidalgo, M., Tomé, D. Avaliação da capacidade erosiva do gelo flutuante no desenvolvimento de plataformas rochosas de sopé em litorais de altas latitudes. Primeiros resultados. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Batista, V., Ramos, M. Dinâmica geomorfológica actual da Ilha Deception (Antárctida Marítima): análise espacial em ambiente SIG do sector entre as bases de Decepción e Gabriel de Castilla, 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Batista, V., Vieira, G., Santos, F., Melo, R., Ramos, M., Hauck, C. Distribuição espacial do permafrost na Ilha Deception (Ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antárctida) através de Tomografias Geoeléctricas, 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008.Vieira, G. Ramos, M. Research on the permafrost environment of Deception and Livingston Islands, Maritime Antarctic: new results and forthcoming activities. Workshop on Cold maritime environments of the sub-Arctic and sub-Antarctic as possible analogues for the Late Pleistocene cold environemnts in Galicia (NW Spain), Santiago de Compostela.
- 2007. Vieira, G. Present and Future Activities of the Research Group on Antarctic Permafrost and Climate Change. 1st Iberian Workshop on Antarctic Peninsula Permafrost. Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon.
- 2007. Mendes-Victor, L., Xavier, J., Vieira, G., Canário, A., Rocha Santos, C. Portugal and the International Polar Year: the role of researchers in promoting education and outreach activities to a wider audience. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
- 2007.Vieira, G.; Ramos, M.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Blanco, J.J.; López Martínez, J.; Serrano, E. Permafrost and slope evolution in an active volcanic area (Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2007.Vieira, G.; Woronko, B.; Ferreira, A.B. Geomorphology and sedimentology of moraines and tills of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2007. Zêzere, JL, Faleh, A., Sadiki, A., Garcia, R.A.C., Oliveira, S.C., Vieira, G.T. Landslide susceptibility assessment and validation in the Oued Sra catchment, Central Rif, Morocco. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2007. August, C., Vieira, G., Migon, P. Mineralogical composition of deep weathering products in the Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal, and their geomorphological significance. Euroclay conference.
- 2007. Vieira, G. Permafrost and Periglacial Environments in the Portuguese IPY Programme. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. M. Ramos, G. Vieira, M. Hoelzle, C. Hauck, S. Gruber, J. J. Blanco, M.A Hidalgo, D. Tomé, M. Neves, C. Mora, A. Trindade, V. Batista, R. Ortiz. Estudio de la distribución del permafrost y de la evolución térmica de la capa activa en la Antártida Marítima (Islas Livingston y Decepción). Proyecto PERMAMODEL integrado en IPY. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. D. Tome, M. Ramos, J.J. Blanco, M.A Hidalgo, G. Vieira, M. Neves, A. Trindade, C. Mora, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, R. Ortiz. Resultados preliminares del proyecto PERMAMODEL durante la campaña antártica 2006-07. Islas Livingston y Decepción (Antártida marítima). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. G. Vieira, M. Ramos, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, J.J. Blanco, J.Lopez-Martinez, E. Serrano. Permafrost and slope evolution in Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. M. Neves, A. R. Pereira, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. Hidalgo, D. Tomé. Quantifying the role of intertidal ice in shore platform development. South Shetland Islands - Antarctic. Methodology. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. D. Tome, M. Ramos, J. Blanco, M. Hidalgo, G. Vieira, M. Neves, A. Trindade, C. Mora, S. Gruber, C. Hauck & R. Ortiz. Seguimiento y monitorización de la capa activa del permafrost en isla Decepción (Antartida marítima). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev & R. Kenderova. A new CALM site in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2006. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M.; Neves, M.; Mora, C.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Hoelzle, M.; Blanco, J. J.; Ortiz, R.; Hidalgo, M. Á.; Trindade, A.; Batista, V.; Tomé, D.; Melo, R.; Capinha, C. Permafrost e camada activa das Ilhas Livingston e Deception (Shetlands do Sul, Antárctida). Resultados recentes e perspectivas. 3º Congresso de Geomorfologia. Fuchal, 12-14 de Outubro.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Neves, M., Mora, C., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Hoelzle, M. Blanco, J.J., Ortiz, R.,Hidalgo, M.A., Tomé, D.and García, J.A. Evolución térmica y balance de energía en la capa activa. Experiencias y perspectivas. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Neves, M. Mora, C., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Hoelzle, M. Blanco, J.J., Ortiz, R. Hidalgo, M.A.,Tomé, D., Trindade, A., Batista, V. Capinha, C. and Melo, R. PERMAMODEL: An interdisciplinary proposal for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic in the framework of the IPY Core Projects TSP and ANTPAS. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Hauck, C.,Blanco, J.J., García, J.A. and Tomé, D. Active layer temperatures during the cold season in Livingston and Deception islands (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Hauck, C.,Blanco, J. J and Tomé, D. Ground enthalpy balance in Livingston Island (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Vieira, G., Hauck, C., Gruber, S., Blanco, J.J. and Ramos, M.. Geophysical surveying for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic (Livingston and Deceptions Islands). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Blanco, J.J., Vieira, G., Gruber, S. and Hauck, C.Periodicity in the Active Layer Temperature Regime, Livingston Island (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Marrero, J. M.; Ramos, M.; Hidalgo, M. A.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S., Hauck, C.; Blanco, J. J. and Ortiz, R. Spatial modelling of the summer radiation budget in Deception island (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Vieira, G. Ramos, M., Melo, R., Capinha, C., Mora, C. and Mora, P. Temporal and spatial analysis of the daily radiation balance during the summer. A comparison between Livingston and Deception islands, Maritime Antarctic. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
2006. Vieira, G., Hauck, C; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J. J. and Ramos M. Geophysical surveying for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic. First results from Livingston and Deceptions Islands. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna
- 2006. Blanco, J.J.; Ramos, M.; Hauck, C.; Gruber, S. and Vieira, G. Using shallow ground temperature measurements for the detection and monitoring of climatic trends and signals in the maritime Antarctic - examples from Livingston Island. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna
- 2005. Vieira, G.T. & Ramos, M.Environmental controls on the spatial distribution of periglacial landforms: a case-study from Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica. in F. Gutiérrez, M. Gutiérrez, G. Desir, J. Guerrero, P. Lucha, C. Marín, J.-M. García-Ruiz (eds.), 6th International Conference on Geomorphology, Abstracts Volume, 7-11 September 2005, Zaragoza (Spain), Planet Earth: 437.
- 2005. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Micrometeorological controls on the temperature regimes of the active layer during the summer in Livingston and Deception Islands, Antarctic. Terra Nostra, 2005/2, 2nd European Conference on Permafrost – Programme and Abstracts: 151.
- 2005. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G. Active layer monitoring in Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic). Methodology and results. Terra Nostra, 2005/2, 2nd European Conference on Permafrost – Programme and Abstracts: 145.
- 2005.Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Ground surface enthalpy balance during freeze and thaw seasons in Livingston Island, Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts.
- 2005. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Geographical factors and geomorphological dynamics in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctic). Colóquio “A Geografia e as Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica”, CEG, Lisboa, 7-8 April 2005 (in Portuguese).
- 2004.Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Active layer monitoring in Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetlands). Methodology and results. International Workshop on Antarctic Permafrost and Soils, IPA-NSF, Madison, WI (USA), 14-18 November 2004.
- 2004.Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Hoelzle, M.; Gruber, S.; Órtiz, R.; Marrero, J.M. & Mora, C., Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring and Modelling in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic) – PERMAMODEL. International Workshop on Antarctic Permafrost and Soils, IPA-NSF, Madison, WI (USA), 14-18 November 2004.
- 2004. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Hoelzle, M. & Gruber, S. Permafrost and active layer monitoring and modelling in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic), Permamodel. II Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia – “Geomorfologia: ciência e sociedade”, Coimbra, 11-12 November 2004.
- 2004. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Hoelzle, M. & Gruber, S. Permafrost and active layer monitoring and modelling in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic), Permamodel. Terra Nostra, SCAR Open Science Conference “Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System”, Abstract Volume: 336.
- 2004. Marrero, J.M.; Ramos,M.; Vieira, G.; Serrano, A.; Ortiz, R. Ground surface energy balance in Deception Island during the summer (South Shetlands, Antarctic). Terra Nostra, SCAR Open Science Conference “Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System”, Abstract Volume: 338.
- 2004.Ramos, M.; Vieira, G. Active layer temperature monitoring and energy balance of the ground surface during the freezing periods of 2001 and 2002 (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 00076, 2004.
- 2004.Marrero, J.M.; Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Ortiz, R. Spatial distribution of the ground energy balance in a volcano (Deception Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 00190, 2004.
- 2004.Marrero, J.M.; Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Ortiz, R. Spatially distributed energy balance in the Deception Volcano (South Shetlands, Antarctic). 4ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geofísica, Figueira da Foz, 3-7 January 2004. (in Spanish).
- 2003. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Geographic factors and geocryological activity in Livingston Island, Antarctic. Preliminary results. Permafrost. Programme, abstracts and IPA reports, Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland: 102.
- 2003. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Active layer and permafrost monitoring in Livingston Island, Antarctic. First results from 2000 and 2001. Permafrost. Programme, abstracts and IPA reports, Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland: 81.
- 2003. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G. Thermal variability of the active layer and evaluation of the ground heat transfer during freezing in Livingston Island (Antarctic). Winters of 2000, 2001 and 2002. Programa y resumenes de las comunicaciones, VI Reunión IPA-España, El periglaciarismo en relación com otros procesos, San Ildefonso – La Granja (Segovia - Spain), 25-27 June: 18-20: 36-39. (in Spanish).
- 2003. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Serrano, A.; Arias, M.R. Energy balance of the active layer during freezing in Livingston Island (Antarctic). Winters of 2001 and 2002, Bienal de Física, Spain. (in Spanish).
- 2002. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Notes on the periglacial geomorphodynamics of the South slope of Johnsons Ridge (Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctic), I Seminário de Geomorfologia - Resumos, Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos. (in Portuguese).
- 2001. Vieira, G.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Ground Temperature Regimes in a Marginal Periglacial Mountain, Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 256.
- 2001.Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Observations on the Geomorphological Dynamics of the Ice-free Areas of Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 256.
- 2001.Vieira, G.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M. Air and ground temperature regimes in Serra da Estrela (Portugal), V Reunión IPA-España, Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, Potes, 27-29 June 2001: 15. (in Portuguese)
- 2001.Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Crespo, F. & Bretón, L., Temperature regime of the active layer in the area of the Spanish Antarctic Station Juan Carlos I, V Reunión IPA-España, Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, Potes, 27-29 June 2001: 44-45. (in Spanish)
- 2001. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Observations on the periglacial dynamics of the south slope of Johnsons ridge, Livingston Island, South Shetlands, 1st European Permafrost Conference – Abstracts, Rome: 98.
- 2001. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G. & Crespo, F., Permafrost distribution in the area of the Spanish Antarctic Station (Livingston Island): ground temperatures in 1995, 1st European Permafrost Conference – Abstracts, Rome: 100.
- 2000. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Garate, J., GPS-RTK for detailed geomorphological mapping in Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic), II Jornadas do Quaternário, APEQ, Porto, 12-13 October. (in Portuguese)
- 2000. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Low cost data loggers for air, soil and rock temperature monitoring. Design and implementation, 4th Conference on Contemporary Topoclimatic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27-30 September: 46.
- 2000. Mora, C; Alcoforado, M. J. & Vieira, G. T., Winter air temperatures in the Serra da Estrela, Portugal, 4th Conference on Contemporary Topoclimatic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27-30 September: 31.
- 2000. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Low-cost data loggers for air, ground and rock temperature monitoring. The instruments developed in the framework of ESTRELA project, Jornadas sobre Clima e Aplicações, Bragança, 23-25 January 2000: 26-27. (in Portuguese).
- 1999.Vieira, G.T., Active cryogenic processes in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Poster apresentado no Symposium: “Periglacial Environments: Past, Present and Future”, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments and IPA Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments, Lodz (Polónia), 27-30 September proceedings.
- 1999. Ferreira, A.B.; Rodrigues, M.L.; Vieira, G.T., Relict and Present-day cold climate landforms and processes in Portugal. IV Reunion da International Permafrost Association - España, Albarracin, 15-17 July 1999. (in Portuguese).
- 1998. Vieira, G.T.,Integrating Quaternary glacial and periglacial geomorphological data in a GIS and DBMS: methodological framework of the research in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Workshop INQUA Commission on Glaciation, Work Group on Geospatial Analysis of Glacial Environments, Warsaw (Poland), 26-27 September
- 1998.Jansen, J. & Vieira, G. T. Plants and physical conditions in screes in the higher parts of the Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Symposium Periglacial environments: their making, preservation and climatic significance, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, Lisbon, 29 August 1998: 11-13.
- 1998.Vieira, G. T. & Ramos, M., Soil temperature monitoring in the Cântaro Raso (Serra da Estrela, Portugal) using a low-cost datalogger: preliminary results, Symposium Periglacial environments: their making, preservation and climatic significance, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, Lisbon, 29 August 1998: 17-18.
Publications in the Internet and CD-ROM
- 2003. Vieira, G., Mora, C., Ramos, M., A device for monitoring shallow ground temperatures. A handbook on periglacial field methods. Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (Co-chairs), International Permafrost Association, Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments.
- 2003. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Gárate, J., Geomorphological mapping with kynematic GPS. A handbook on periglacial field methods. Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (Co-chairs), International Permafrost Association, Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments.
- 2008. Vieira, G. Combined numerical and geomorphological reconstruction of the Serra da Estrela plateau icefield, Portugal. Geomorphology, 97: 190-207.
- 2007. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J.J.; Hauck, C.; Hidalgo, M.A.; Tomé, D.; Neves, M.; Trindade, A. 2007. Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the maritime Antarctic: Preliminary results from CALM sites on Livingston and Deception Islands. U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 070, doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp070
- 2007. Hauck, C.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J.J.; Ramos, M., 2007. Geophysical identification of permafrost in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 112, F02S19, doi:10.1029/2006JF000544.
- 2007. Hauck, C.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J.J.; Ramos, M. Geophysical identification of permafrost in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research.
- 2003. Vieira, G.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M. Ground temperature regimes and geomorphological implications in a Mediterranean mountain (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Geomorphology, 52: 57-72.
Articles in other peer-reviewed journals
- 2006. Gomez Órtiz, A.; Vieira, G. The research in periglacial geomorphology in Spain and Portugal. Recent evolution and current studies. Finisterra, 80 (in press). (in Spanish)
- 2006. Vieira, G.; Xavier, J.; Neves, M. 1st I Workshop Portugal and the Antarctic and the preparation of the national activities for the International Polar Year 2007-08. Finisterra, 80 (in press). (in Port.)
- 2004. Mora, C.; Vieira, G., Radiation balance at the plateau of Serra da Estrela (Portugal) in a winter morning. Methodology and first results, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geologica, 99 (1-4): 37-45. (in Spanish)
- 2004. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G., Thermal variability of the active layer and evaluation of the ground energy transfer during freezing in Livingston Island (Antarctic). Winters of 2000, 2001 and 2002. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Sección Geologica, 99 (1-4): 83-92. (in Spanish).
- 2000. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Garate, J., Detailed geomorphological mapping with kynematic GPS. Examples from Livingston Island, Antarctic, Estudos do Quaternário, 4, APEQ, p. 35-42.
- 2000. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Low cost data loggers for the monitoring of air, rock and ground temperatures, Finisterra, 69, p. 139-148. (in Portuguese).
Peer-reviewed articles in books
- 2008. Vieira, G.; Lopez-Martinez, J.; Serrano, E.; Ramos, M.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Blanco, J.J. Geomorphological observations of permafrost and ground-ice degradation on Deception and Livingston Islands, Maritime Antarctica. D.L. Kane & K.M. Hinkel (Eds.). NICOP 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. University Alaska Fairbanks: 1839-1844.
- 2008. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Blanco, JJ; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Hidalgo, MA; Tomé, D. Active layer temperature monitoring in two boreholes in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctic: first results for 2000-2006. D.L. Kane & K.M. Hinkel (Eds.). NICOP 2008. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. University Alaska Fairbanks: 1463-1467.
- 2007. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Blanco, JJ, Hauck, C., Hidalgo, MA, Tomé, D., Neves, M., Trindade, A. Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the maritime Antarctic: Preliminary results from CALM sites on Livingston and Deception Islands. U.S. Geological Survey and the National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 070, doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp070
- 2005. Vieira, G.; Jansen, J. & Ferreira, N., Environmental setting of the Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, T. Pinto Correia, R.G.H. Bunce & D.C. Howard (eds.), Landscape ecology and management of Atlantic mountains, Landscape Ecology Series, IALE Publication series number 2: 53-64.
- 2003. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Geographic factors and geocryological activity in Livingston Island, Antarctic. Preliminary results. In: M. Phillips, S.M. Springman e L.U. Arenson (Eds.), Permafrost. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, Balkema – Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse: 1183-1188.
- 2003. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Active layer and permafrost monitoring in Livingston Island, Antarctic. First results from 2000 and 2001. In: M. Phillips, S.M. Springman e L.U. Arenson (Eds.), Permafrost. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland, Balkema – Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse: 929-933.
- 2002. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Observations on air and ground temperatures at Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, E. Serrano e A. García (eds.), Dep. Geografia, Univ. Valladolid: 67-89. (in Portuguese)
- 2002. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Crespo, F. & Bretón, L., Active layer monitoring in the vicinity of the Spanish Antarctic Station Juan Carlos I Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, E. Serrano e A. García (eds.), Dep. Geografia, Univ. Valladolid. (in Spanish).
- 2001. Vieira, G.T. & Ramos, M., Monitoring of shallow soil temperatures in the Cântaro Raso (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). Data from the winter of 1997/98, Homenagem (in honorium) Professor Doutor Gaspar Soares de Carvalho, Braga: 129-136.
- 1998. Vieira, G.T.; Cordeiro, A.M.R., Periglacial geomorphology in Portugal: state-of-the-art. in Gómez Órtiz, A.; Salvador Franch, F.; Schulte, L. & García Navarro, A. (eds.), Procesos biofisicos actuales en medios frios. Estudios recientes, Publ. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona: 347-371. (in Portuguese).
Peer-reviewed articles in conference proceedings
- 2007. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Blanco, J. The permafrost environment of northwest Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, maritime Antarctic): Preliminary results. U.S. Geological Survey and the National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Extended Abstract 206.
- 2005. Afonso, M.J., Espinha Marques, J., Marques, J.M., Carreira, P., Carvalho, J.M., Marques da Silva, M., Samper, J., Veiga, J., Sodré Borges, F., Rocha, F.T., Fonseca, P.E., Gomes, A., Araújo, M.A., Vieira, G., Mora, C., Teixeira, J., Almeida, P.G., Gonçalves, J.A., Chaminé, H.I. Hydrogeology of hard-rocks in the Portuguese Iberian Massif: Porto urban area and Serra da Estrela mountain region. 4th Inter-Celtic Colloquium on Hydrology and Management of Water Resources. Guimarães, Portugal, 11-14 July 2005: 1-12.
- 2001. Vieira, G.; Ferreira, A. B.; Mycielska-dowgiałło, E.; Woronko, B. & Olszak, I., Thermoluminescence Dating of Fluvioglacial Sediments (Serra da Estrela, Portugal), Actas VREQUI / I REQUI, Lisboa: 85-88.
- 2007.Vieira, G. 2007. Agenda CTT 2008 – Ano Polar Internacional. Lisboa.
- 2006. Xavier, J.; Vieira, G.; Canário, A. 2006. Portuguese Science Strategy for the International Polar Year. CCMAR and CEG.
- 2006. Xavier, J.; Vieira, G.; Canário, A. 2006. Estratégia Científica Portuguesa para o Ano Polar Internacional. CCMAR e CEG.
- 1999. Ferreira, N. & Vieira, G., Guide of the Geology and Geomorphology of the Natural Park of the Serra da Estrela, ICN and IGM, Lisboa, 112p. + 2 maps. (in Portuguese, with English version in press).
- 1998. Vieira, G.T. (ed), Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology of the Serra da Estrela. Guidebook for the field-trip, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, 26-28 August 1998, CEG and Department of Geography, University of Lisbon, 65 p.
Peer-reviewed abstracts in conference proceedings
- 2008. Mendes-Victor L.A., Vieira G., Xavier J., Canário, A. The International Polar Year in Portugal: a new National Polar Programme and a Major Education and Outreach project. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
- 2008. Vieira G., Ramos M., Batista V., Caselli A., Correia A., Fragoso M., Gruber S., Hauck C., Kenderova R., López-Martinez J., Melo R., Mendes-Victor LA., Miranda P., Mora C., Neves M., Pimpirev C., Rocha, MJ., Santos F., Serrano E., Trigo I., Trindade A. Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic: A contribution to TSP and ANTPAS projects. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Gruber, S., Pimpirev, C. Long-term network for permafrost monitoring in the South Shetlands, Maritime Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2008. Ramos, M., Blanco, D. Tomé; Hidalgo, M.A.; de Pablo. M.A; Vieira, G.; Trindade, A.; Batista, V.; Neves, M.; Melo, R., Gruber, S. Hasler, A.; Hauck, C. Permafrost and active layer monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic. Objectives and Preliminary results of the PERMAMODEL-PERMADRILL PROJECT during 2007-08 Antarctic Campaign. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2008. Blanco, JJ, Ramos, M, Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Tomé, D., de Pablo, MA. Soil thermal behaviour from the temperature soil regime in Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Maritime Antarctic). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2008.Vieira, G., Neves, M., Mora, C., Fragoso, M., Zêzere, JL, Trindade, A., Batista, V., Melo, R. Permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic. 1st Workshop on Portuguese Polar Science, CEG, Lisbon.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Xavier, G. The IPY and the birth of a Portuguese Polar Programme. 1st Workshop on Portuguese Polar Science, CEG, Lisbon.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Hauck, C., Gruber, S., Blanco, J.J., Ramos, M.. Massive Ice Detection using Electrical Tomography Resistivity. Examples from Livingston and Deception Islands, Maritime Antarctic. VI Assembleia Ibérica de Geofísica, Tomar.
- 2008. Trindade, A.,Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Pimpirev, C.. Monitorização da camada activa e do permafrost na proximidade da Base Antárctica Búlgara St. Kliment Ohridski, Ilha Livingston, Antárctida. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Moreira, A., Vieira, G., Brilha, J. Avaliação e valorização do património geomorfológico do Vale da Ribeira Principal (Parque Natural da Serra da Malagueta, ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde). 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Neves, M., Mora, C., Batista, V., Melo, R., Trindade, A., Santos, F., Ramos, M., Xavier, J., Salomé, A. O Ano Polar Internacional e o desenvolvimento da geomorfologia polar portuguesa. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Blanco, JJ, Caselli, A., Correia, A., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Hidalgo, MA, Kenderova, R., Miranda, P., Mora, C., Neves, M., Pimpirev, C., Santos, F., Trigo, I., Viterbo, P., Batista, V., Dutra, E., Melo, R., Tomé, D., Trindade, A. PERMANTAR/PERMAMODEL: um consórcio internacional para monitorização do permafrost e da dinâmica geomorfológica actual na Antárctida Marítima. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Forte, J.P., Vieira, G., Cunha, L. Inventariação, avaliação e divulgação do património geomorfológico da Unidade Territorial de Alvaiázere. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Neves M., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Batista, V., Hidalgo, M., Tomé, D. Avaliação da capacidade erosiva do gelo flutuante no desenvolvimento de plataformas rochosas de sopé em litorais de altas latitudes. Primeiros resultados. 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Melo, R., Vieira, G., Caselli, A., Batista, V., Ramos, M. Dinâmica geomorfológica actual da Ilha Deception (Antárctida Marítima): análise espacial em ambiente SIG do sector entre as bases de Decepción e Gabriel de Castilla, 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008. Batista, V., Vieira, G., Santos, F., Melo, R., Ramos, M., Hauck, C. Distribuição espacial do permafrost na Ilha Deception (Ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antárctida) através de Tomografias Geoeléctricas, 4º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, Braga.
- 2008.Vieira, G. Ramos, M. Research on the permafrost environment of Deception and Livingston Islands, Maritime Antarctic: new results and forthcoming activities. Workshop on Cold maritime environments of the sub-Arctic and sub-Antarctic as possible analogues for the Late Pleistocene cold environemnts in Galicia (NW Spain), Santiago de Compostela.
- 2007. Vieira, G. Present and Future Activities of the Research Group on Antarctic Permafrost and Climate Change. 1st Iberian Workshop on Antarctic Peninsula Permafrost. Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon.
- 2007. Mendes-Victor, L., Xavier, J., Vieira, G., Canário, A., Rocha Santos, C. Portugal and the International Polar Year: the role of researchers in promoting education and outreach activities to a wider audience. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting.
- 2007.Vieira, G.; Ramos, M.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Blanco, J.J.; López Martínez, J.; Serrano, E. Permafrost and slope evolution in an active volcanic area (Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2007.Vieira, G.; Woronko, B.; Ferreira, A.B. Geomorphology and sedimentology of moraines and tills of the Serra da Estrela (Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2007. Zêzere, JL, Faleh, A., Sadiki, A., Garcia, R.A.C., Oliveira, S.C., Vieira, G.T. Landslide susceptibility assessment and validation in the Oued Sra catchment, Central Rif, Morocco. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna.
- 2007. August, C., Vieira, G., Migon, P. Mineralogical composition of deep weathering products in the Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal, and their geomorphological significance. Euroclay conference.
- 2007. Vieira, G. Permafrost and Periglacial Environments in the Portuguese IPY Programme. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. M. Ramos, G. Vieira, M. Hoelzle, C. Hauck, S. Gruber, J. J. Blanco, M.A Hidalgo, D. Tomé, M. Neves, C. Mora, A. Trindade, V. Batista, R. Ortiz. Estudio de la distribución del permafrost y de la evolución térmica de la capa activa en la Antártida Marítima (Islas Livingston y Decepción). Proyecto PERMAMODEL integrado en IPY. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. D. Tome, M. Ramos, J.J. Blanco, M.A Hidalgo, G. Vieira, M. Neves, A. Trindade, C. Mora, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, R. Ortiz. Resultados preliminares del proyecto PERMAMODEL durante la campaña antártica 2006-07. Islas Livingston y Decepción (Antártida marítima). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. G. Vieira, M. Ramos, S. Gruber, C. Hauck, J.J. Blanco, J.Lopez-Martinez, E. Serrano. Permafrost and slope evolution in Deception Island, Maritime Antarctic. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. M. Neves, A. R. Pereira, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, M. Hidalgo, D. Tomé. Quantifying the role of intertidal ice in shore platform development. South Shetland Islands - Antarctic. Methodology. I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. D. Tome, M. Ramos, J. Blanco, M. Hidalgo, G. Vieira, M. Neves, A. Trindade, C. Mora, S. Gruber, C. Hauck & R. Ortiz. Seguimiento y monitorización de la capa activa del permafrost en isla Decepción (Antartida marítima). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2007. A. Trindade, G. Vieira, M. Ramos, C. Pimpirev & R. Kenderova. A new CALM site in the vicinity of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station (Livingston Island, Antarctic). I Congresso Ibérico da International Permafrost Association: Ambientes periglaciários e variações climáticas: das montanhas às altas latitudes. Guarda, Portugal. 25-27 de Junho de 2007.
- 2006. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M.; Neves, M.; Mora, C.; Gruber, S.; Hauck, C.; Hoelzle, M.; Blanco, J. J.; Ortiz, R.; Hidalgo, M. Á.; Trindade, A.; Batista, V.; Tomé, D.; Melo, R.; Capinha, C. Permafrost e camada activa das Ilhas Livingston e Deception (Shetlands do Sul, Antárctida). Resultados recentes e perspectivas. 3º Congresso de Geomorfologia. Fuchal, 12-14 de Outubro.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Neves, M., Mora, C., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Hoelzle, M. Blanco, J.J., Ortiz, R.,Hidalgo, M.A., Tomé, D.and García, J.A. Evolución térmica y balance de energía en la capa activa. Experiencias y perspectivas. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Neves, M. Mora, C., Gruber, S., Hauck, C., Hoelzle, M. Blanco, J.J., Ortiz, R. Hidalgo, M.A.,Tomé, D., Trindade, A., Batista, V. Capinha, C. and Melo, R. PERMAMODEL: An interdisciplinary proposal for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic in the framework of the IPY Core Projects TSP and ANTPAS. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Hauck, C.,Blanco, J.J., García, J.A. and Tomé, D. Active layer temperatures during the cold season in Livingston and Deception islands (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Vieira, G., Gruber, S., Hauck, C.,Blanco, J. J and Tomé, D. Ground enthalpy balance in Livingston Island (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Vieira, G., Hauck, C., Gruber, S., Blanco, J.J. and Ramos, M.. Geophysical surveying for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic (Livingston and Deceptions Islands). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Ramos, M., Blanco, J.J., Vieira, G., Gruber, S. and Hauck, C.Periodicity in the Active Layer Temperature Regime, Livingston Island (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Marrero, J. M.; Ramos, M.; Hidalgo, M. A.; Vieira, G.; Gruber, S., Hauck, C.; Blanco, J. J. and Ortiz, R. Spatial modelling of the summer radiation budget in Deception island (Antarctic Peninsula). VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
- 2006. Vieira, G. Ramos, M., Melo, R., Capinha, C., Mora, C. and Mora, P. Temporal and spatial analysis of the daily radiation balance during the summer. A comparison between Livingston and Deception islands, Maritime Antarctic. VII Simpósio Español de Estudios Polares. Granada 18-20 Septiembre.
2006. Vieira, G., Hauck, C; Gruber, S.; Blanco, J. J. and Ramos M. Geophysical surveying for permafrost research in the Maritime Antarctic. First results from Livingston and Deceptions Islands. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna
- 2006. Blanco, J.J.; Ramos, M.; Hauck, C.; Gruber, S. and Vieira, G. Using shallow ground temperature measurements for the detection and monitoring of climatic trends and signals in the maritime Antarctic - examples from Livingston Island. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU Vienna
- 2005. Vieira, G.T. & Ramos, M.Environmental controls on the spatial distribution of periglacial landforms: a case-study from Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica. in F. Gutiérrez, M. Gutiérrez, G. Desir, J. Guerrero, P. Lucha, C. Marín, J.-M. García-Ruiz (eds.), 6th International Conference on Geomorphology, Abstracts Volume, 7-11 September 2005, Zaragoza (Spain), Planet Earth: 437.
- 2005. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Micrometeorological controls on the temperature regimes of the active layer during the summer in Livingston and Deception Islands, Antarctic. Terra Nostra, 2005/2, 2nd European Conference on Permafrost – Programme and Abstracts: 151.
- 2005. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G. Active layer monitoring in Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic). Methodology and results. Terra Nostra, 2005/2, 2nd European Conference on Permafrost – Programme and Abstracts: 145.
- 2005.Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Ground surface enthalpy balance during freeze and thaw seasons in Livingston Island, Antarctic. Geophysical Research Abstracts.
- 2005. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Geographical factors and geomorphological dynamics in Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctic). Colóquio “A Geografia e as Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica”, CEG, Lisboa, 7-8 April 2005 (in Portuguese).
- 2004.Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Active layer monitoring in Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetlands). Methodology and results. International Workshop on Antarctic Permafrost and Soils, IPA-NSF, Madison, WI (USA), 14-18 November 2004.
- 2004.Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Hoelzle, M.; Gruber, S.; Órtiz, R.; Marrero, J.M. & Mora, C., Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring and Modelling in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic) – PERMAMODEL. International Workshop on Antarctic Permafrost and Soils, IPA-NSF, Madison, WI (USA), 14-18 November 2004.
- 2004. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Hoelzle, M. & Gruber, S. Permafrost and active layer monitoring and modelling in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic), Permamodel. II Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia – “Geomorfologia: ciência e sociedade”, Coimbra, 11-12 November 2004.
- 2004. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Hoelzle, M. & Gruber, S. Permafrost and active layer monitoring and modelling in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands, Antarctic), Permamodel. Terra Nostra, SCAR Open Science Conference “Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System”, Abstract Volume: 336.
- 2004. Marrero, J.M.; Ramos,M.; Vieira, G.; Serrano, A.; Ortiz, R. Ground surface energy balance in Deception Island during the summer (South Shetlands, Antarctic). Terra Nostra, SCAR Open Science Conference “Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System”, Abstract Volume: 338.
- 2004.Ramos, M.; Vieira, G. Active layer temperature monitoring and energy balance of the ground surface during the freezing periods of 2001 and 2002 (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 00076, 2004.
- 2004.Marrero, J.M.; Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Ortiz, R. Spatial distribution of the ground energy balance in a volcano (Deception Island, Antarctica). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 00190, 2004.
- 2004.Marrero, J.M.; Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Ortiz, R. Spatially distributed energy balance in the Deception Volcano (South Shetlands, Antarctic). 4ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geofísica, Figueira da Foz, 3-7 January 2004. (in Spanish).
- 2003. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Geographic factors and geocryological activity in Livingston Island, Antarctic. Preliminary results. Permafrost. Programme, abstracts and IPA reports, Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland: 102.
- 2003. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G., Active layer and permafrost monitoring in Livingston Island, Antarctic. First results from 2000 and 2001. Permafrost. Programme, abstracts and IPA reports, Eight International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland: 81.
- 2003. Ramos, M. & Vieira, G. Thermal variability of the active layer and evaluation of the ground heat transfer during freezing in Livingston Island (Antarctic). Winters of 2000, 2001 and 2002. Programa y resumenes de las comunicaciones, VI Reunión IPA-España, El periglaciarismo en relación com otros procesos, San Ildefonso – La Granja (Segovia - Spain), 25-27 June: 18-20: 36-39. (in Spanish).
- 2003. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; García, J.A.; Serrano, A.; Arias, M.R. Energy balance of the active layer during freezing in Livingston Island (Antarctic). Winters of 2001 and 2002, Bienal de Física, Spain. (in Spanish).
- 2002. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Notes on the periglacial geomorphodynamics of the South slope of Johnsons Ridge (Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctic), I Seminário de Geomorfologia - Resumos, Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos. (in Portuguese).
- 2001. Vieira, G.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Ground Temperature Regimes in a Marginal Periglacial Mountain, Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 256.
- 2001.Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Observations on the Geomorphological Dynamics of the Ice-free Areas of Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic, Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 22(4): 256.
- 2001.Vieira, G.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M. Air and ground temperature regimes in Serra da Estrela (Portugal), V Reunión IPA-España, Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, Potes, 27-29 June 2001: 15. (in Portuguese)
- 2001.Ramos, M.; Vieira, G.; Crespo, F. & Bretón, L., Temperature regime of the active layer in the area of the Spanish Antarctic Station Juan Carlos I, V Reunión IPA-España, Periglaciarismo en montaña y altas latitudes, Potes, 27-29 June 2001: 44-45. (in Spanish)
- 2001. Vieira, G. & Ramos, M., Observations on the periglacial dynamics of the south slope of Johnsons ridge, Livingston Island, South Shetlands, 1st European Permafrost Conference – Abstracts, Rome: 98.
- 2001. Ramos, M.; Vieira, G. & Crespo, F., Permafrost distribution in the area of the Spanish Antarctic Station (Livingston Island): ground temperatures in 1995, 1st European Permafrost Conference – Abstracts, Rome: 100.
- 2000. Vieira, G.; Ramos, M. & Garate, J., GPS-RTK for detailed geomorphological mapping in Livingston Island (South Shetlands, Antarctic), II Jornadas do Quaternário, APEQ, Porto, 12-13 October. (in Portuguese)
- 2000. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Low cost data loggers for air, soil and rock temperature monitoring. Design and implementation, 4th Conference on Contemporary Topoclimatic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27-30 September: 46.
- 2000. Mora, C; Alcoforado, M. J. & Vieira, G. T., Winter air temperatures in the Serra da Estrela, Portugal, 4th Conference on Contemporary Topoclimatic Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 27-30 September: 31.
- 2000. Vieira, G. T.; Mora, C. & Ramos, M., Low-cost data loggers for air, ground and rock temperature monitoring. The instruments developed in the framework of ESTRELA project, Jornadas sobre Clima e Aplicações, Bragança, 23-25 January 2000: 26-27. (in Portuguese).
- 1999.Vieira, G.T., Active cryogenic processes in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Poster apresentado no Symposium: “Periglacial Environments: Past, Present and Future”, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments and IPA Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments, Lodz (Polónia), 27-30 September proceedings.
- 1999. Ferreira, A.B.; Rodrigues, M.L.; Vieira, G.T., Relict and Present-day cold climate landforms and processes in Portugal. IV Reunion da International Permafrost Association - España, Albarracin, 15-17 July 1999. (in Portuguese).
- 1998. Vieira, G.T.,Integrating Quaternary glacial and periglacial geomorphological data in a GIS and DBMS: methodological framework of the research in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Workshop INQUA Commission on Glaciation, Work Group on Geospatial Analysis of Glacial Environments, Warsaw (Poland), 26-27 September
- 1998.Jansen, J. & Vieira, G. T. Plants and physical conditions in screes in the higher parts of the Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Symposium Periglacial environments: their making, preservation and climatic significance, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, Lisbon, 29 August 1998: 11-13.
- 1998.Vieira, G. T. & Ramos, M., Soil temperature monitoring in the Cântaro Raso (Serra da Estrela, Portugal) using a low-cost datalogger: preliminary results, Symposium Periglacial environments: their making, preservation and climatic significance, IGU Commission on Climate Change and Periglacial Environments, Lisbon, 29 August 1998: 17-18.
Publications in the Internet and CD-ROM
- 2003. Vieira, G., Mora, C., Ramos, M., A device for monitoring shallow ground temperatures. A handbook on periglacial field methods. Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (Co-chairs), International Permafrost Association, Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments.
- 2003. Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Gárate, J., Geomorphological mapping with kynematic GPS. A handbook on periglacial field methods. Humlum, O. & Matsuoka, N. (Co-chairs), International Permafrost Association, Working Group on Periglacial Processes and Environments.