January 10, 2013
Dear colleagues,
It is with great sadness that we inform that our friend and colleague, Henrique Andrade, has passed away yesterday, with the age of 52. Henrique is a great loss for the University of Lisbon and especially to the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, where he was Assistant Professor, and the Centre of Geographical Studies, where he was member of the board and researcher at the research group on climate and environmental changes.
Henrique’s academic career developed at the University of Lisbon. He graduated in Geography in 1990. His masters in Physical Geography was obtained in 1994, focusing on atmospheric pollutants in Lisbon and his PhD was obtained in 2004 on Human bioclimatology and air temperatures, a topic where he was a pioneer in Portugal. His recent research targeted at the societal impacts of climate in cities, including climate change: a) urban green areas and well-being, b) climate and health (mainly on the effects of heat and cold waves), c) climate change and tourism. He was supervising PhD students on these topics and currently was working on mortality and cold events in Central Portugal and also on the effects of lightning on the number of asthma cases in children, through a collaboration with the D. Estefânia Hospital. He was responsible by the mesoscale urban climate network of Lisbon. He has recently published in journals such as the International Journal of Biometeorology, Building and Environment, Landscape and Urban Planning, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, International Journal of Biometeorology and Finisterra. He was author or co-author of several papers in international books. Henrique was low profile but very active and continuously searched for new research lines and funding sources. He will be greatly missed by friends and colleagues. His research legacy is very significant and will be continued by colleagues and students at IGOT/CEG-UL.
Colleagues from teams CLIMA and ANTECC at CEG-UL
Dear colleagues,
It is with great sadness that we inform that our friend and colleague, Henrique Andrade, has passed away yesterday, with the age of 52. Henrique is a great loss for the University of Lisbon and especially to the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, where he was Assistant Professor, and the Centre of Geographical Studies, where he was member of the board and researcher at the research group on climate and environmental changes.
Henrique’s academic career developed at the University of Lisbon. He graduated in Geography in 1990. His masters in Physical Geography was obtained in 1994, focusing on atmospheric pollutants in Lisbon and his PhD was obtained in 2004 on Human bioclimatology and air temperatures, a topic where he was a pioneer in Portugal. His recent research targeted at the societal impacts of climate in cities, including climate change: a) urban green areas and well-being, b) climate and health (mainly on the effects of heat and cold waves), c) climate change and tourism. He was supervising PhD students on these topics and currently was working on mortality and cold events in Central Portugal and also on the effects of lightning on the number of asthma cases in children, through a collaboration with the D. Estefânia Hospital. He was responsible by the mesoscale urban climate network of Lisbon. He has recently published in journals such as the International Journal of Biometeorology, Building and Environment, Landscape and Urban Planning, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, International Journal of Biometeorology and Finisterra. He was author or co-author of several papers in international books. Henrique was low profile but very active and continuously searched for new research lines and funding sources. He will be greatly missed by friends and colleagues. His research legacy is very significant and will be continued by colleagues and students at IGOT/CEG-UL.
Colleagues from teams CLIMA and ANTECC at CEG-UL