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Noël 2004, Anne devant son ordinateur, devant le massif du Mont Blanc. (Photo de Jean Philippe Azaïs).

This workshop will briefly explore life and death trough the "family tree" ("genosociogram" and “clinical psychogenealogy”) covering over 4 to 7 generations -and the manner in which memories of past unresolved traumas and conflicts are passed on the future generations. One group member shall work on her/his family and one or a few Psychodramatic vignettes will be directed with group members towards unearthing, illustrating and resolving hidden transgenerational family traumas, closing unfinished tensions by saying good-bye and mourning losses and tryingng to stop the repetitions of the “anniversary syndrome”. Efforts will be made to understand these phenomena in the context of the family's psychological and economic history, "psycho-history", "hidden family loyalties", calamitous events such as war, family secrets and the "anniversary syndrome".- This 90 mn workshop will be a short demonstration, experiential with theory and group discussion.

Website  for registration :


cf Schützenberger Ancelin Anne (1998). :- The Ancestor Syndrome. London & New York : Routledge.

bulletchapter A. Schützenberger (2000) : "Health & death ", in Kellermann P & Hudgins K., eds. :
"Psychodrama with Trauma survivors",
Jessica Kingsley, London,  2000
bulletAncelin Schützenberger Anne (2003).- Psychodrame, Paris,Payot (pocket book) (in French)
bulletAncelin Schützenberger Anne & Ghislain Devroede (2003).- Ces enfants malades de leurs parents, Paris,
Payot French)

- video(2002). Pr Anne Schützenberger at work on transgenerational links, New Orleans Gestalt Institute and Anne Teachworth & Anne Schützenberger video.

British Psychodrama Association

Date de dernière modification de cette page : 11/03/07

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