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Certification (US)

Noël 2004, Anne devant son ordinateur, devant le massif du Mont Blanc. (Photo de Jean Philippe Azaïs).





Last Update: January 2005

Welcome to this special section of the ASGPP web site that features the standards for certification as established by the American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (the Board) and approved by its certified members. As a professional courtesy the ASGPP has donated this space to the Board. Please remember that the Board and the ASGPP are two separate and distinct professional organizations, each with its own mission and area of concern. The ASGPP's mission statement and listing of its programs and services can be found on the opening page of this web site.

The American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy was established and incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in the District of Columbia in 1975. The Board was founded to serve two basic purposes: 1) to establish, on a national level, professional standards in the fields of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy; and 2) to certify qualified professionals on the basis of these standards.

Two levels of certification have been established by the Board:

1) A Certified Practitioner (CP) has been professionally trained and supervised in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy by a Board certified Trainer, Educator, Practitioner (TEP), has met established standards of the profession and has successfully fulfilled the requirements of the Board

2) A Trainer, Educator, Practitioner (TEP) is a Certified Practitioner (CP) who has received a minimum of three years additional supervised training, education and experience in the design and implementation of professional training programs and has successfully fulfilled the requirements of the Board.

To receive a copy of the Directory of Certified Psychodramatists and Certification Standards or for information on standards, procedures and fees, write or call. Please be advised that at this point in time the Board has neither a web site nor email.

American Board of Examiners
P.O. Box 15572
Washington, DC 20003-0572

(202) 483-0514



(Certification by Examination and Submission of Credentials)



A.   A master’s degree from an accredited university in a field relevant to the applicant’s areas of  practice. Note: Individuals certified by the Board are expected to practice and/or train only within their areas of competence.

B.   Applicants must document postgraduate training/education in the following areas: human growth and development, theories of personality, abnormal behavior (psychopathology), methods of psychotherapy, and social systems. Applicants who are master’s level licensed mental health professionals or applicants who have master’s level mental health degrees are assumed to have these competencies and are not required to document the training and education.  Examples of these master  level mental health degrees include Master’s level degrees in Counseling or Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Mental Health Counseling or Pastoral Counseling, Expressive Arts Therapies, Art Therapy, Dance/Movement Therapy, Drama Therapy, Music Therapy and Psychodrama.


A.  A minimum of 780 hours of training in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy from individuals certified by the Board.

B.  A maximum of 100 hours of the required 780 training hours may be waived if the applicant is either a master’s level licensed mental health professional, or certified or registered from the following professional associations: American Art Therapy Association, American Dance Therapy Association, American Music Therapy    Association, and The National Association for Drama Therapy.

C.  A maximum 160 hours of the required 780 training hours may be from individuals certified as practitioners and formally admitted as a Practitioner Applicant for Trainer (PAT) or certified trainer/educator/practitioners (TEPs) by Board of Examiners from other countries that have established formal reciprocity agreements with the Board.

D. A maximum of 100 hours of the required 780 training hours may be obtained from individuals other then TEPs and PATs provided that the training occurred at local, regional, and national conferences sponsored by the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, The American Group Psychotherapy Association and the National Association for Drama Therapy.          

E.  Except for the exemptions listed above (B, C, D) all other training hours must be from individuals certified as trainer, educator, and practitioners (TEPs) by the Board.


A.  Fifty-two weeks of supervised experience in the practice of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy is required.  The supervised experience practice must be current with the application for certification. The supervised experience must be completed  within four years from the date of application for certification.

B.  The fifty-two weeks of supervised experience can only begin after a minimum of 80 hours of training has been completed and the primary trainer approves the supervised field experience.

C.  The fifty-two weeks of supervised experience is to be comprised of 80 psychodrama sessions, each a minimum of 60 minutes in length. The population served by these sessions may be individuals, couples, families and groups. All the sessions may be group sessions, but if they are not, a majority of these sessions (41 or more) must be group sessions.  The format for all these psychodrama sessions must use action based experiential methods that may include but are not limited to psychodrama, sociodrama, action sociometry, behavioral rehearsal, social skill training, bibliodrama, and playback theater.  All the sessions may be psychodrama sessions. But if they are not, a majority (41 or more) must be psychodrama sessions.  The supervised experience may take place over a time period of not less than one year and not more than four years.


A. At least 40 supervision sessions of at least fifty minutes each must be obtained for the 80 psychodrama sessions that make up the field experience.

B. One half of these supervision sessions (20) must be provided by a TEP, while the remaining half (20) may be provided by any clinical supervisor who has been approved by the primary trainer as qualified to supervise sessions in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.


A. Appropriate professional memberships, activities and/or publications which demonstrate the applicant’s participation in the fields of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.


A.  Following successful completion of the above minimum requirements for professional  training, supervision, and practice candidates are required to obtain   three endorsements of professional competency

B.  Two of the three endorsements must be made from a primary trainer (TEP) and a secondary trainer (TEP) who attest to the applicant’s professional competence and readiness to take and successfully complete the examination process.  The third endorsement may be from any professional in the applicant’s area of practice who attests to the applicant’s professional competence.

C.  Sponsors must have witnessed a candidate direct a psychodrama session on at least two occasions within the past three years and must be willing to endorse the applicant for certification.

D.  Endorsements of competency cannot be obtained from family members, personal friends, professional colleagues who are financial or business partners, and colleagues who were on-going group members in the applicant’s training groups.


Individuals who are formally admitted to the examination process are candidates for certification.

1. COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAMINATION. Candidates must successfully complete a comprehensive written examination in the knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct group sessions in the fields of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.

A. The comprehensive written examination assesses candidates on seven areas: History, Philosophy, Methodology, Sociometry, Ethics, Research/Evaluation and Related Fields.

2. ON-SITE EXAMINATION.  A Board examiner will be appointed to assess the session using a standardized evaluation form.  The on-site examination assesses a candidate’s ability to conduct a group psychodrama session which includes a warm-up, action structures, closure and sharing.  The on-site examination also assesses the ability of the candidate to process the session with the examiner after the group session is completed, and the group members are no longer present.


There is no expiration of training hours, but the supervised professional practice and supervision must be completed within four years of the application for certification.


Application Materials. Application packages for 1) Trainer, Educator, Practitioner (TEP), 2) Clinical Practitioner (CP) and; 3) Practitioner­ Applicant for Trainer (PAT) are available each April 15th until June 30th of that year. Application Materials may be obtained by writing to the Board and enclosing a check for $50.00 for each application requested.

Submission of Application Materials. Completed applications and all supporting materials must be received by July 15, 2005, for admission to the 2005 certification process.

Examination Locations. Examinations (both written and on‑site) for certification by the American Board of Examiners will be administered only within the United States of America and Canada. The Board will arrange to give the written examination within seventy‑five miles of the candidate’s home address.

Written Examination (Date). The written examination is given once a year and is always scheduled for the third Saturday in October.

Written Examination (Content). Written examinations are similar to university doctoral comprehensive examinations. All questions are essay questions. A study guide including copies of all previous examinations is included in the application materials. Additional study guides may be purchased for $25.00 each.

The written examination consists of seven (7) areas of competency:1)History, 2) Philosophy, 3) Methodology, 4) Sociometry, 5) Ethics, 6) Research/Evaluation and 7) Related Fields. CP candidates are expected to demonstrate knowledge in the application of each of the areas to clinical or educational practice, while TEP candidates are expected to demonstrate knowledge of these areas in the application of each to training, supervision and education.

On-Site  Examination. The on-site examination may not be scheduled until after the candidate has completed the written examination. Candidates for CP are encouraged to schedule their on‑site observations in their own clinical groups while candidates for TEP are encouraged to schedule their on‑site observations in their own training groups. The on-site observation for a CP examines the candidate’s ability to direct a psychodrama session. While practitioner candidates are not always expected to conduct a classical psychodrama session, it is expected that all sessions will include a warm-up, action structure and closure. The on-site observation for a TEP examines the candidate’s ability to teach and train the philosophy, techniques and process of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy. Additional information including guidelines for requesting and scheduling the on-site as well as the on-site evaluation forms are provided to candidates after they have completed the written examination.



All individuals who wish to be certified as trainer/educator/practitioners must have prior certification as a practitioner and be formally admitted as a practitioner applicant for trainer (PAT). The PAT will, in consultation with a primary and secondary trainer, develop a plan of action towards meeting the following requirements in not less than three years nor more than five years. Instructions for applying for PAT status are listed elsewhere in this Directory.


A.  The PAT candidate must document a minimum of 100 hours of post-graduate professional development in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy and/or related fields.

B.  The PAT candidate is expected to attend and participate in local, regional, and national psychodrama conferences and meetings and engage in other appropriate professional memberships and activities.


During a time period of not less than three years nor more than five years, the PAT must conduct a minimum of 144 hours of progressively responsible training of others in closely supervised training workshops in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.


A.  The PAT is required to obtain a minimum of 48 hours of supervision from a trainer/educator/practitioner for the first 144 hours of training workshops. The initial ratio of consultation is one (1) hour for each three (3) hours of training conducted.

B.  If more training workshops are offered by the PAT, supervision is required at the minimum ratio of one (1) hour of supervision for every eight (8) hours of training conducted.


A.  Following successful completion of the above minimum requirements for  professional development, practice, and consultation candidates for certification as a TEP are required to obtain three endorsements of professional competency.

B.  A primary trainer (TEP), a Secondary Trainer (TEP) and a third professional reference from the candidate’s area of practice are required to complete the endorsement forms.

C.  Sponsors must have witnessed a candidate conduct a training workshop in the areas of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy on at least more than one occasion within the past three years and must be willing to endorse the PAT for admission to the examination process.

D.  Endorsements of competency can not be obtained from family members, personal friends, professional colleagues who are financial or business partners, and colleagues who were ongoing group members in the applicant’s training groups.


Individuals who have completed the certification requirements and are formally admitted to the examination process are candidates for certification as a trainer/educator/practitioner.

1.   COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAMINATION. Candidates must successfully complete a comprehensive written examination in the knowledge, skills and ability to conduct training, education and supervision in the fields of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.

A. The comprehensive written examination assesses candidates on seven areas:  History, Philosophy, Methodology, Sociometry, Ethics, Research/Evaluation and Related Fields. Candidates must demonstrate knowledge of these areas in the application of each to training, supervision and education.

2.  ON-SITE EXAMINATION. The on-site examination assesses the candidate’s ability to teach and train the philosophy, methodology and process of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy. The training workshop should focus on one of the seven identified competency areas (e.g., see written examination) and must include both didactic and experiential components. A Board appointed examiner will assess the training workshop using a standardized evaluation form.

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